Indianapolis Code Violation "Enforcement" reports
Last entry looked at Property Tax records for Marion County, IN. This time the focus on Municipal & County data available. Specifically CODE VIOLATIONENFORCEMENT records related to the property.
In Indianapolis, the most common property code violation issued is for "Tall Grass". If the yard isn't mowed, and the grass is 10-inches or higher, the local inspector will cite the owner. The OWNER can be cited & fined for not keeping the property in good shape. NOTE: not the RENTER, the OWNER. Often it's a sign of an absentee landlord, or a renter who's not paying rent. But this is also good information to know if you're wondering whether the house you're interested in has been kept clean and orderly, and if there have been other code violations at the property.
Marion County, IN provides a "Citizen's Access portal". Browse to the website, and click the 'Enforcement' tab, and enter the address of the property you're researching to see if there are any warrants, code violation or nuisance reports (tall grass, drugs, trash, etc).
Scroll-down the page, and enter the address information. For our example...
Number: 66, Direction: N, Street Name: Ritter, Street Type: Ave <Click "Search">
No violations found! If this were a property you were interested in owning, you're very happy right now.
To see a property with violations, modify the search to show:
Number: 80 N Ritter Ave, and SEVERAL violations appear. From a "Tall Grass" violation in 2017 (corrected by owner, and no fee charged). Up to a code violation reported by an electrician in 2019 for lack of Smoke Detectors. (also corrected by owner).
How else could one use this information? Some RE Investors with too much time on their hands (IMHO) search these enforcement records for houses with several "Tall Grass" violations, and seek out the owners to see if the owner is interesting in selling. In any case, it's useful information.