LLOF using Local Govt Tax Records
How do LLOF OOS Investors locate that diamond in the dung-hill of houses in your target area? How does one even go about finding an area where the houses work for the Buy, Rehab, Rent, Refinance model? That's not what this post is about, but you're on the right website. BiggerPockets.com forums cover those topics. Look in the 'new to investing' areas, or use Google Search in the format: "site:biggerpockets.com search-terms-here" to find what you're looking for.
You've identified a property to analyze. You've 'driven' the property (driving for dollars) using Street View. You've used Redfin / Realtor.com / Zillow to see details of the property as shown from the last "For Sale" listing on the multiple listing service (MLS). What else can you tell remotely?
A LOT as it turns out. For now, let's focus on Municipal & County data available. Specifically PROPERTY TAX records related to the property.
You can look up the property tax records using only an address. You can find your target city's tax records via search engine. For Marion County, Indianapolis, IN, the website is:
Property County Report Cards - http://maps.indy.gov/AssessorPropertyCards/
To find a property card, click 'Search By Address', and enter part of the address. If entered as the city/county records it, a clickable pop-up will appear. Let's search the example property at 66 N Ritter Ave, Indianapolis, IN.
Immediately, we see the County's legal Parcel Number, the State parcel number, the Full address, and the Owner's name. To the far RIGHT, is a label "Click to see Property Card" - clicking it generates a PDF file, and downloads it to your device.
Open the property card, and you see two (2x) addresses: Property Address, and Owner's Address. In this case, the addresses are the SAME indicating this is an owner occupied property. The Legal Description, and Transfers of Ownership are shown. The house sold in June 2015 for $162.9K, again in Jan 2017 for $176.5K, and in May 2019 for $275K.
On Page2, it has an Unfinished Attic, 1/2 basement, 1/2 crawlspace, Square footage (Base Area) for each floor, and county assessment of value for each floor. A simple sketch shows the floorplan, and many other details are displayed - from roofing materials to 'Total Improvement Value' - the amount taxed by the city/county: $158.7K. The owner is getting a substantial Property Tax Break considering the OWNER values the home at $275K, but the CITY/COUNTY values the home @ $158.7K
Next time... focus on Municipal & County POLICE or ENFORCEMENT records related to the property