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Posted about 4 years ago

Answering Most Commonly Asked Questions About Real Estate

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I understand that you have decided to learn more about real estate investments, as you are planning to become an investor in the future. And I think that’s a great approach, no matter what area you are trying to join, you always need to explore it from afar first, instead of diving in straight into the business. Especially when it comes to real estate - you probably already know how many ways it can go and how much it has to offer, it’s easy to get confused or lost and that’s why we always suggest people not to rush. So to help you in your research, I have decided to answer a few, most commonly asked questions about real estate by newbies. But please keep in mind that these are just my opinions and are based on my personal experience with real estate, which means not everyone can agree, as everyone’s story is different.

1. Should I sell a property or rent it?

    Starting with a question that never gets old but the answer to it stays the same. It all depends on the owner’s preferences and needs. Renting a house is great if you want a monthly, stable and safe income, it’s basically like having a job. But if you are planning to purchase something expensive or need a lot of money at the same time, selling is the way to go.

    2. Is it better to buy my own property or invest in stocks?

      This is probably one of the most controversial questions in the real estate community, as everyone has their own opinions and look at the topic in their own way. When it comes to me, to be honest, the stock market seems such a scary place to invest your capital in, you never know what you might expect back and if your share suddenly loses its value your investment could underperform, which means you could be left with no money. But when it comes to owning a property, it all depends on you. You are the one managing it, setting up prices, deciding if you want to rent or sell and you can do it whenever you want.

      3. Is investing passively a good idea?

        Why not? Even though I’m a big believer that having your own business and managing your properties on your own is the safest way of earning big income, you can always simultaneously invest passively in the companies that manage the real estate properties, to get extra numbers in your bank account. I think combining both is the best idea for a great cash-flow.

        4. When is the best time to buy properties?

          There is not a specific time of the year where all the houses are cheap, it all depends on what type of properties we are talking about. To give you a quick tip, you can find a specific house, for example - a summer house in winter for an extremely cheap price and later sell it or rent it for much more in the summer.

          5. Should I start my business in real estate alone?

            If you are someone who wants to have their own business and is just starting, that might seem a little scary and to be honest, it isn’t so easy either. You always need someone who can guide you through the market, help you make the right decisions and basically who can stay with you through it all. That’s why I can offer you help from our company, which is focused on helping investors find the best deals, helping them learn and offering the best possible services. Don’t hesitate to contact us, whenever you will make up your mind about joining real estate investing.

            6. Do I actually need an agent to buy a house?

              Yes, you do! Purchasing a property is a big thing, you can’t just go to the store and pick up your favorite one. There is a lot to consider when buying a house, a lot to check and ask, you need a person who knows how the market works, what the prices are and can help you find something that meets all your needs!

              7. Should I invest in single-family or multifamily?

                Last but not least, it feels like we are back to question one since once again - there is not a specific answer to that and it all depends on how you prefer working. When you are becoming a landlord of a property, you will have to work with tenants in both cases, it just depends if you prefer working with one or multiple families. But I always recommend newbies to start with a single-family house, to gather the experience of working with tenants, collecting rent, working with banks and etc to later manage bigger properties.
