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Posted over 4 years ago

Pros and Cons of Crowdfunding in The Real Estate

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Are you an investor willing to invest in a good-looking project? But your financial sources are not enough to handle it alone? Crowdfunding might be the best solution for you. To make it more definite, we will give you some information about the advantages and the disadvantages of it.

The main idea of crowdfunding is to raise a large amount of money quickly. Many investors want to invest only a small amount of money. If we gather them in a team, in total, we will get enough for funding the project.

The preparation period of crowdfunding utilizes all communication channels such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter to discuss with the potential investors. The most significant benefit of it is that accessing a valuable capital becomes realistic for you.

1. Advantages of the crowdfunding.

The most compelling part is that it is affordable and convenient for a broader group of investors. It allows many people to make their dream come true. Another great advantage is that unlike REIT, you can decide which one to include and which one to exclude. You invest in individual property and build your portfolio precisely.

One of the principal aspects of crowdfunding is its illiquid nature. Unlike the stock market volatility, you invest in a stable business, which ensures that your money will turn into profit soon after.

2. Disadvantages of the crowdfunding.

If you are a person who loves to play an active role in management, crowdfunding might not be charming for you. Passive investments are great when you like to stay aside. Besides, the mentioned illiquidity can be a disadvantage in case of an emergency. Before property disposal, you cannot cash it out.

To sum up, crowdfunding is one of the fastest-growing ways of investing. Using a small amount of money, you make passive investment and get considerable and stable income. Consider its disadvantages as well and decide whether it is right for you or not.
