The Will to Take Action as an IDEAL GROWER
The “W” in IDEAL GROWER is, as some of our other parts, looking at two aspects of the same fundamental idea:
- 1. When we look at GROWER as a part of the overall model you find that growth really only happens through change and change only happens with a willingness to change.
- 2. That willingness is the first “W” we have to address. The second “W” is looking at the aspect of action. What actions are you willing to take to achieve the goals identified.
When you look at the first part that addresses willingness, you have to ask yourself if you have already adopted a mindset that makes you ready for change.
I often say: “Acknowledging a problem is half the battle”. If you discover that you have been conditioned to spend the money that comes in every month to pay bills and use whatever is left for a few nice treats for your family and yourself, it will take an effort to change that mindset. If you have been conditioned to believe that all you need to do is find a job with a company that has a match for 401K contributions and between social security and your 401K plan your retirement will be secured, you will have to change your mindset.
If you have been told that one doesn’t really need to worry about retirement and income later in life and you are better of to live life while you're young and agile and get, you will have to change your mindset.
There are many more things that I could list here that we are all hearing and reading and seeing int eh media giving us the false impression that we would by ourselves easily create the circumstances that will allow us to have secure income even if we stop working at some point. You need to change that mindset.
One thing that might make it easier to find the energy for that change is education. Yes, I am providing as much as I can thru the IDEAL GROWER program. In addition, I encourage you to review the biographies and other books and stories about successful people, especially financially successful people.
What you will find, in general, that their own work only takes them so far. In the vast majority of cases, and especially if these individuals don’t just want to be successful in their lifetime but create a legacy that allows their kids and grandkids to benefit from their success, it is absolutely necessary to create passive sources of income. That requires a change in mindset towards actions and activities that give you access to passive income. The IDEAL GROWER mentoring program is one source of help in that area. If you join you would not only learn how to invest unsung real estate to establish that passive income, but also receive active mentoring to help you change your mindset in such a way that you will create a legacy that lasts.
If you like to take a look at an external example, I direct you towards the writings of Garret Gunderson.
Garret wrote about the difference between two families, The Vanderbilt’s and the Rockefeller’s. Both of these families made their fortunes in the 20th century. The Vanderbilts did not really create a legacy that would last and within three generations their fortunes were basically gone. There is still influence and one of the expel that belongs to that family tree is Anderson Cooper at CNN, but the wealth they had once created is mostly gone.
In comparison, the Rockefellers still have a fortune, mainly because they created a financial legacy and put the tools in place that allow the current generation of about 60 people all linked to that family tree to have access to the vast financial wealth that was originally created about 100 years ago. I
If you read about the history of successful families you will find that most fortunes large or small are typically gone within the third generation. The saying goes to say:
The first generation makes it, the second spends most of it and the third generation loses what left.
Some of this has to do with the right planning, the right assets, the right mindset, and the right help.
If you make the decision to change your mindset towards one that is looking for education, for success and for building a legacy you have to take a giant step in the right direction. As mentioned in previous articles, I am happy to evaluate where you are and if you might like to use the IDEAL GROWER mentoring system on your journey. That’s why I am always offering an initial strategy session for free. I also know that the IDEAL GROWER approach is not for everyone. If that is the case I can point you in the right direction and maybe even connect you to the right people who can help you accomplish what you are looking for with another approach
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The old saying “There are 1000 roads that lead to Rome” applies. Yes, the IDEAL Grower road is one of the better ones (and I would say its the best one - I am biased), but there are other ways you can achieve your financial and economic goals. The first step is to have a call and discuss what you want and how you could get there.
The second aspect of the “W” in IDEAL GROWER is focusing on the actions you will take. After we have had an initial strategy session and decided to work together, we develop a strategic plan that allows you to reach your goals that we identified when discussing the “G” in IDEAL GROWER.
In many cases, the first actions are to simply create a complete set of data that lets us know where you actually are. What are your current streams of income, what are your financial obligation and what are you spending your money on? Collecting all the information, organizing it in a way that it is easy to track (maybe even using an online tool or app) provides visibility.
If you don’t know and can’t see what you have and how you use it there is no way that you can take meaningful actions towards your economic and financial independence and ultimately your overall BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal).
As you can tell from this immediate simple step, its not so much a huge action that takes a lot of time or a lot of effort, but many many small steps that will ultimately get you closer towards the goal you set for yourself.
Each case is different. Sometimes a person joining the IDEAL GROWER mentoring program already has some investments, even some real estate properties. Some already have a good CPA and maybe even started a business focused on the investing part of life.
In other cases, you might have a job, some savings, a 401K plan, and a lot of expenses.
Neither situation is good or bad, right or wrong. All they represent are starting points. The real and active part of the model and program lies in the actions you take. Some people need to take a lot of small action to get ready to reach the starting line and other need to take a bunch of steps to change what they did in the past to have better outcomes in the future.
That’s the cool thing about the IDEAL GROWER mentoring program. I work with you individually and help you adjust the things that best fit for you or help you find the right folks who can help you accomplish what you are looking for.
The most important step is to get started with a free strategy session. Only with that under your belt will you know if you are a good candidate for the IDEAL GROWER model.