The Obstacles the IDEAL GROWER systems helps to overcome
In the last article describing the context and meaning of each letter in the IDEAL GROWER system we focused on opportunities and options.
Today we are moving to the other side of that same scale, discussing obstacles.
There are two aspects to take a closer look at.
- - Behavioral Obstacles
- - Investment strategy obstacles.
For the first kind, the behavioral obstacles it all starts with your thoughts believes and what’s in your mind. Carol Duke in her famous book titled “Mindset” writes about the growth mindset you want to adopt.
Here are some of the attributes a growth mindset includes:
- - Looking for opportunity
- - Admiration
- - Learning lessons
- - Looking for things that are worthwhile
- - Seeking feedback
- - Being curious and wanting to find out
As is true for many aspects of our behaviors, it is not just a matter of what we think or what we speak about in our self-talk (the devil and the angel on your shoulders), but also how we communicate. Are we using positive language or limiting and negative language?
Here are some ideas that you should use to communicate a positive growth mindset.
Say things like:
- - What am I missing?
- - I’ll use a different strategy if this one doesn’t work
- - Is this really my best work? Maybe I can do better.
- - I can always improve
- - This may take some time but I will get it done
- - Mistakes help me to learn. That's why I don’t avoid them.
- - I am going to train my brain
- - Repetition makes perfect and establishes good habits
- - I will learn how to do this
- - There is a Plan B. I can find an alternative way
- - Hurdles and obstacles are there to be overcome and navigated around
What’s we need to learn in case we are training ourselves to overcome obstacles is to be a creator and no longer see ourselves as victims. If we accept that we can attract the things we are looking for, we can create our future. As an IDEAL GROWER, we can develop both the mindset that is envisioning and instilling a positive future that includes economic and financial independence for us. At the same time, the IDEAL part is providing a strategy of secure passive income that is especially important in these crazy and volatile times.
To manifest that approach you want to start stated you make using these ti=Ypres of starter:
- - I choose to...
- - I prefer...
- - I want to...
- - It is how I make it...
What we are doing in the process is overcoming our limiting beliefs.
To become fully aware of them, I recommend applying the ideas of a gratitude journal. There is a great approach called “The Five Minute Journal” you can find at Amazon and other places online. You can even make your own.
The main point is that you take some time each day in the morning before you start into your day and write down what you want to achieve and what your goals for the day are. Before going to bed, you want to write down what you are grateful for and what worked well that day.
It may sound a little weird when you read it here, but if you really do it and form a habit, you will have that journal as well as a growing amount of positive energy. When we write things down we are making a written contract with ourselves and that has much more impact than things we just say (out loud or in our minds)
With all this in mind, we also need to look at the obstacles related to the investing strategy.
With the enormous volatility in the stock market recently, the loss of share value and the increasing number of people retiring every day, we will find a lot of noise and advertisements and people who claim they can help to restore your investment values. I am not a fan of stock market investments because you basically have no control. That has just been proven again and almost all the gains made in the last 3 years have been wiped out.
That’s why the IDEAL part of IDEAL GROWER is focusing on real estate. Even in that field, you have a ton of options.
The first obstacle to overcome is to decide what kind of real estate you want to invest in. I see the following categories but the number keeps steadily increasing:
- - Residential real estate (single-family house up to 4-plex)
- - Multi-family (5 or more units in a house
- - Apartment complexes
- - Business buildings
- - Retail real estate
- - Real estate funds (residential or commercial)
- - Commercial real estate (factories, office buildings, manufacturing facilities, etc.)
- - Real Estate Funds and trust (REIT)
- - Real Estate EFT’s (stocks)
For the IDEAL GROWER, I have done a detailed market analysis and came to the conclusion that I want to focus my mentoring on residential real estate. It is by far the largest market. It has the most properties. It is used both for investing and for personal use. It will always be needed
One of the initial obstacles is to review what I tell you during the free strategy calls we offer and decide if you find the reasons and explanations suitable for you. If that is the case you can overcome the obstacle of choice.
Then there is the old location obstacle.
If you have at all been involved with real estate you probably heard the terms: “location, location, location” related to properties. In a sense that is true when you are looking for price and value. On the other hand, when your interest in investing and creating your economic and financial independence, the term4 bedrooms and 3 baths, garden, plays a casita total of about 3000 sqft. The value was about $750K.
The performance of this property to be considered for an IDEAL GROWER entry would have had to be $7500/month to meet the 1% rule we like to see for performance. In reality, it brought in about $3000.month
AS an IDEAL GROWER I exchanged that property into 8 smaller houses in high performing areas across the country and am now getting about $8000/month in income.
That’s performance.
So, assuming you can agree to our strategy as IDEAL GROWERS and you like performance, the last obstacle I like to address today - and believe me there are many more we go into in the mentoring program - is “beauty”.
You might say: “How can beauty be an obstacle”. Well, what is totally true is the old saying: “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”. What I call beautiful might not be what you like at all. When I drive around and look at some of the cars people obviously bought or leased and drive around, I wonder what their sense of beauty really is. They might say the same about me.
As an IDEAL GROWER this is very relevant because the properties we want to buy are residential. That means they are basically suitable for us to live in. What happens with that fact is an often strange thing.
We start imagining the "eye of the beholder" or in other words, ourselves living in the properties we are considering to buy. Would you move into an 1200 sqft 3 bedrooms 1 bath house in Idaho? Maybe, maybe not.
The reality is that this is often an emotional view. When you look at statistics about real estate purchases for our own family residential use, study after study shows that people my irrational and emotional decisions. They buy a house because it looks nice, has nice floors, has a cute paint job in the living rooms, has glass sliders for closets in the bedrooms. If we were to apply a bigger lens we would realize that each one of those things is a minor thing that can be changed after we own it. Still, be buy what we like - which is a very emotional thing.
What I teach you in the IDEAL GROWER mentoring program is to become a performance investor. You might not like the property a lot, you would never move into it, but its location, value, and performance are meeting al our criteria. if that is the case, we purchase it using all the resources I offer my students (or you use your own if you have them).
You have to overcome the obstacle of emotional purchases when investing. That is an obstacle that bridges the financial part of investing and the behavioral part and both are extremely important for your success.
That's also part of the reason why a mentoring program is so successful. if you are on your own you find people who agree with you. If you are part of a program like IDEAL GROWER or an investing group, you have other views and some logic to help you see things you would otherwise push to the side.
The list of obstacles to be aware of is long and here I only scratched the surface a little.
Maybe I see you int the IDEAL GROWER mentoring program soon. The first step would be to contact me and sign up for a free strategy session.
For now, stay healthy, behave healthily, be friendly to the people around you, even if it is virtually and get ready for your economic and financial independence. I am here to help you if you like.