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Posted about 3 years ago

Should You Use an Agent?

When you’re starting to think about your next big move you might think, “I can do this myself, who needs an agent these days?” Maybe you don’t want to work with an agent because you think you can save money or because you don’t want the stress of someone trying to push a sale. Don’t go at it alone! Whether you’re buying or selling there are good reasons why you should get a full-time real estate agent.

You’re selling your home. At the end of the day, the truth is that there is a lot that goes into selling a home and you’re not an expert. Depending on your level of experience with buying and selling homes you might think that you know the basics and could manage. That's a deceiving thought. There is so much that goes into the process that you might not have even been aware of when you previously purchased or sold a home because the agent you worked with had taken care of it. Agents are working at selling your house full time whereas you cannot possibly be in that situation if you are working or caring for children. Below are some reasons why you should consider working with an agent when selling your home.

Real Estate Agents Have Experience and Support

Unless you have a full staff behind you and practice selling multiple homes all day every day then there is no way you will have nearly as much experience as a veteran agent. Experience makes a huge difference in getting your home on the market and sold quickly. Agents will know how to navigate the tricky market and how to best advertise your home. Agents have trained and taken classes and undergone mentoring at their office - they are fully equipped to sell your home. The agent you work with is working towards the same goal as you - getting your home sold. Their experience is extremely valuable and worth all the commissions involved.

Real Estate Agents Understand Contracts and Negotiation

Selling your home is often emotional and when emotions run high, sometimes logic and common sense fly out the window. Emotions run high due to the fact that you might have raised a family in this home or perhaps even put hours and hours of work into making it perfect. Your agent is prepared for all of that! They are removed from the emotional sentiments and keep you focused on your goal of selling. They won’t let their emotions get in the way of negotiating a good deal for you. Agents often spend hours training a year in negotiation skills, they are ready for whatever gets thrown to them. Your agent is also well versed in the local real estate contract. The once thought ease of selling your home goes out the window once you look over the contract. Contracts can be complicated and there is no need to worry about messing something up if you have an agent to do all of the heavy lifting with paperwork.

Agents have access to a Large Network

Yes, you indeed have access to all of the same online sites that the agents will use to list your property. What you don’t have is their connections. Even if you have a large network of co-workers and friends, they will not be as motivated as your agent and their network of other agents.

All of the above information is helpful but what if you’re still considering selling on your own? Do some additional research and figure out what solution is best for you. Follow our blog for more tips and tricks on all things real estate.
