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Posted about 3 years ago

Have You Used The Hub & Spoke Model

Have you ever heard of the Hub & Spoke Model?

The Hub and Spoke Model originated as a visual for the transportation industry. Hubs acted as key airports that planes would route their flights through, and spokes were the different flight routes planes followed to other airports.

Over time, other industries adopted the Hub and Spoke Model to fit their needs, the overall design and premise stayed the same as it evolves for the specific industry: hubs act as centralized areas of importance, and spokes link hubs to less important sections or to other hubs.

The Hub and Spoke Model is used in a variety of industries and personally by many who like to track goals and sub-tasks. It can be applied to many different situations, start-up companies, blogs, healthcare, real estate, and more!

One of the most important things you can do when creating your own hub & spoke is to determine what your hub will be.

Creating the Hub.

To create a new hub you need to determine what the end goal is. For instance, if you are creating a website, the end goal would be to launch the website, so that would be your hub and all of the tasks that go into creating the site would become the spokes. Another example would be if you are an investor. The main goal or hub would be to ultimately grow your portfolio. How do you accomplish that?

Determining Spokes.

Let’s continue with the example of the investor looking to grow their portfolio - their hub. What tasks might become their spokes? Perhaps some of the spokes could be the following; research areas to invest, find a broker, invest in real estate, hire a team, look for a partner, etc.

Follow Through and Adjusting

With any organizational tool, there will always be adjustments that need to be made as well as new goals, or hubs and spokes, to be added. Set a reminder to look over your model every few weeks to see how you’re doing and what you could add. Set yourself up for success this way.
