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Posted over 4 years ago

Why And How To Create Your Podcast

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First of all, let’s start with a question - What is a Podcast?
Podcasts are audio series that a user can download or listen to online. Usually, a podcast features one or more hosts, who discuss one specific subject or popular topic around the world. People also compare it to the radio shows, you listen to while driving since it can also be listened to any time of the day, no matter what you are doing, and it can be fully scripted as well as totally improvised at the moment.

There are a lot of different types of Podcasts, starting from educational and ending with entertaining ones that mostly include music. Some of the podcasts are free, but most of them have to be bought to listen, and others are underwritten by corporations or sponsored with the inclusion of commercial advertisements.

A podcast is a great way to express your self, personal passion and thoughts to your like-minded audience. It allows you to engage with your audience in a more convenient way than blogs or youtube.

To start your podcast, you need to first choose your podcast player. Some of the most popular applications are - Apple Podcasts which is built into iPhone, Google Play Music for Android phones and Spotify which is mainly known as a music streaming app for all devices, but in 2015 they added podcasts as a new feature. On all of them, you get the basic podcast features, like being able to download or stream online and skip or rewind them by couple seconds. Additionally, people can set notifications for the new episodes of your show. On all 3 of the mentioned applications, podcasts are free.

If you are looking for the full podcast experience, you can go with also very popular Pocket Casts or Overcast. They allow your listeners, to automatically skip trough ads or long silent moments between the sentences and have advanced features like voice boosting. They are mostly free to use but by paying 10$ a year, your audience gets premium features like removing ads and etc.

After choosing the podcast platform, you will have to decide the type of your podcast and what the series will be about. How and with whom you want to host with and what kind of audience will it target. For some inspiration, you can freely listen to other Podcasters and decide which style suits the topics you want to talk about the most and which will be easier for you to work with.

Now you have to start recording. Try to record at least 1 or 2 series of your podcast, and make it as interesting as possible, since to submit your work and get it featured on the chosen platform, you will have to provide at least 1 episode and a trailer of the next one.
You will be shocked to find out, how many topics are actually still uncovered on podcasts, compared to Youtube or different blogs and how easily you could come up with different ideas, which is one of many reasons to start a podcast.

Make your podcasts creative, interesting and most importantly easy to understand, by doing so, you will gain an audience sooner than you think.

If you want to learn more about how to create your personal podcast channel or how to dominate your space with your thought leadership online presence, you can schedule a free consulting call here:
