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Posted over 4 years ago

10 Things That Successful People Do Daily

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Most of us consciously know that we are people of habits, so when it comes to results in our life, we have them the way we have because of these habits. To live a new life, we need new habits it is simple as that. Every time you see a successful person, the first word in your mind not supposed to be "lucky", but this person must have some really great "habits". Check your daily routine and evaluate your situation to see what and how many good habits do you have right now and what habits you need to acquire.

1. They reading something inspiring.

And it is not the daily newspaper or daily news website that may be filled with all the negative things just to grab your attention. Take a good book and ask me for a great list if you don't know where to start, just imagine this, someone took, perhaps all their life and so much effort to achieve their success in life and then they packaged those wins and failures for you to learn into a book that you can buy in book store for 5$, I mean it is ridiculous. Some people pay way more for just a few TV programs and phone game apps that don't teach them anything, except how to waste time. Build a habit of reading, at least 15 minutes a day, read anywhere where you can (not when you driving of course, there's audiobooks for that) and you may find saying to yourself, "but I don't like reading", ok, then look in the mirror and ask yourself a question, do you like being broke?

2. They start a day with meditation.

You are going to find that the most successful people on the planet, spend the morning time meditating. They really understand that the mind is the most powerful tool on earth, and if you don't believe that, just look around and see everything around you, it has been created with this incredible tool. And to make sure that the brain operates on higher frequencies, it has to be "in the right place". Meditation has a lot of benefits like it helps to reduce stress, controls anxiety, generates kindness, lengthens attention span, enhances self-awareness, keeps you emotionally healthy, etc. So start your day with meditation and making it with one of your daily habits.

3. They make a list of goals.

If you have no goals, you have no destination and if you have no destination you have no purpose to life. We all need a driving force to pull us forward because that's when we are the happiest when we are growing. We need to have a clear focus on our future that will provide us daily motivation to do things out of our comfort zone and the bigger goals you will have, the more excited you will be on the daily basis and you will find yourself in the position that the small problems that used to bother you before, doesn't bother you that much. Most of people have impotent goals that don't excite them and that's why they quit on themselves. Dream as big as you can, but be reasonable, making to big of a goal with a too short timeline will make you quit as well.

4. They use Sundays to plan out next week.

Sunday is a great day to relax and let your brain recharge for the week ahead. Sitting down and planning out your week ahead is a must, know what you are doing every day from Monday to Saturday and know what your outcomes are for those days. It is coming back to having a purpose and destination, life is definitely not a journey as it may lead you somewhere, you want clear destinations and stay focused on those destinations. Plan out your week ahead that will pull you closer towards those destinations. Leverage other people's time and skills, get partners, pay for services and do whatever it takes do reach your targets, goals and destinations.

5. They write down things they're grateful for.

Be grateful, but never satisfied. Appreciate the small things and wins, the big things and achievements that you've reached in life, but know that it could be so much more. Most of the people are so unhappy about their current situation and it doesn't matter how much they actually have, they are never so ungrateful that for them it is impossible to move from that position to the position of abundance. They are too much fixated on the beliefs that they have less than others and that they don't deserve to have more. Be grateful, you already have so much more then others, if you are reading this blog from your laptop or smartphone you are already wealthy, you have food on your table, you have clothes on your back, you sleep in your bed, you can have a hot shower when you want. Like this sounds primitive, but there are people who don't have any of these things.

6. They listen and learn.

Most of the people just talk and talk and talk...if you want to learn something new each day, you need to pay attention and listen. Some of the people have unbelievable stories to share and maybe you have one too, but hey, you are looking to learn here right. Pay attention to those people, be present, ask good questions and be curious about that person. You can learn a lot of what do to and what not do just by observing, you don't need to go through trials and errors figuring things out by yourself. There are already people who have the information that you need for you to grow and move forward and it's either in the books that you need to read or in the people that you need to meet.

7. They surround themselves with positive people.

How many people that you know are actually negative? Your family members, your colleagues, friends...let me just tell you this, negative people don't live a positive life, so if you want to follow the negative path, that's your choice, but if you don't, you need to add some positive people in your life to make it brighter and more exciting. Happiness is a contagious thing, so is negativity, so if you think that you being around those negative people it doesn't affect you, you're right, just, for now, spend with them long enough time and you won't even notice how you became negative yourself. Smile more, laugh more, complain less, be close to people who actually care about you, not just pretending and then leaving you with your problems.

8. They never give up.

If you want to achieve anything in life, anything, it will require your effort and the obvious "secret", to not quit. If you are doing all the things that are written in the list like, getting inspired on the daily basis, meditating in the morning or before sleep, writing your goals and planning your days, weeks, months and years ahead, being grateful for the things that you have, learning from books and people that you meet, surrounding yourself with positive people who support you along the way and journaling your journey it will be difficult for you to quit once you are on that right path. Still, sometimes the temptation is big and there is no one just you with your doubts and negative thoughts that you have to fight with, you may be quitting hundreds of times every day, but id doesn't matter once you get up and move forward.

9. They workout daily.

If you want to change the way you feel, you need to change the way you walk and move. And exercise is the best thing for that, it doesn't have to be two hours long either, just quick fifteenth minutes to change your state. As it can and will make you feel happier, as changing physical state will change your inner state, let's try this quick experiment, try to be sad and smile at the same time, it is impossible. And it's not even that, exercising will help you to look better which eventually will increase your levels of confidence, it will increase your energy levels and it will help to maintain your healthy brain and memory.

10. They journal daily.

It doesn't matter if it's writing your goals, writing your wins and celebrate them, write your loses and learn from them always use a daily journal to write everything that is on your mind, there is just some magic involved when you put the things from your head on the paper. Always look for ways to improve and stay busy, keep the full calendar, empty space is a devil waiting for you, meaning trouble ahead is waiting for you. So use these ten steps and look for a hundred more ways to get closer to the best version of you, because only reaching your true potential will make your life worth living.

Comments (3)

  1. Nicely written and I can hear you emphasizing each point as I read them! I especially loved #1! So so true! I've never even equated the number people spend on television services to the cost of several books but I know my preference! And those authors dedicate their lives to delivering a quality product to educate or entertain us and we totally take it for granted. Thanks for the reminders and advice here!

  2. Very inspiring blog and perfect timing with the new year (and resolutions) coming up! 

    1. Thank you very much!