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Posted almost 5 years ago

Why Purpose Driven Companies Grow Faster Than Others

Normal 1570821769 Purpose

I think we all as entrepreneurs have these goals, these lofty goals to say, this is what I want to do and this is where I'm going to get. I think we believe it internally, thinking grow rich has a great line in it, it says, success comes so fast and with such fury you wonder where it's been all this time. And you know, we're just starting to see the fruits of our labor in these deals. The ability of what we're able to give now because of the structure that we have, it's amazing that we're actually carving out into our deals a founder's position for missionaries and ministries that just are getting quarterly checks in passive income that are basically going to fund their entire year of what they need to fundraise for. So it starting to solidify our vision in terms of not only what we want for our family, but what we want to do in terms of giving back and how we're going to create generational wealth, not just for us but for other people.

We'll get to $100 million in 12 months and then where it goes? I mean, the sky is really the limit and I think lots about this. When we were in San Diego, it's like, now it's not about us, I mean, it's still about us a little bit right now, we're still closing on these deals and figuring it all out and going through it, but the long-term vision is we're really going to be able to fund a lot of the missions and visions of other people, which is incredible.

That's, that's the bigger mission, in the beginning, most of us are trying to just figure out. People say, I want to be able to retire, let me get to that place first, right? But once you get there and it happens way faster than you expect, now my daily needs met my monthly and my yearly needs are met. Then something changes and it's got to be a bigger why. Have that bigger vision tied to it that I'm not just trying to figure out what your wealth is, try to grow it for a whole different cause that's a bigger why. And that really leads to why, why you do what you do, it's not just about money, it's about affecting change and affecting people.

Comments (1)

  1. There's a message within this post that is very appealing. I don't see the message of purpose, that includes missionaries and ministries often and are void through out success or wealth building blog post. This is a breath of fresh air to me. This is my first week in learning REI and I have written my commitment statement, as well as my why statement. Both of these statements enforce this post and encourages me to know that I am starting out on the right path. Let the fruit be plentiful and be a blessing to all who taste of the fruit.