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Posted almost 5 years ago

How To Gain And Build Generational Wealth

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Go out and find some of your own sponsors, find other deals, really kick the tires and get out there and get your name out there. We're closing on another $34 million with a deal flow, we've already closed on 32 million, so we're on track, I mean, we're, we're pacing. It's been, you know, it's been a little bit stressful at times, you have to perform when you say you're going to perform for a sponsor and you know you've been in the seat on both sides where you had to perform, bring in the capital and now you're waiting on other people to perform to bring the capital. And we just want to make sure that we're true to our name, we named our company Integrity Capital Group, not because we want other people to know that we have integrity, but to remind ourselves what we stand for and we'll bring it to the table and want to make sure that.

We have another layer of protection for our investors, I can go out and say, I'm doing my first deal, it's a hundred units. Well, there's some level of risk, with me doing my first deal, I don't know the management competence, I don't know what I don't know yet, so I'm going to stub my toe and you're going to come along for the ride. I mean, there's great operators in the world that have 10 plus years’ experience, a hundred million dollars under management. So why not just partner with those guys and say, now I get paid to learn and in my capital gets an extra layer of security by knowing that they're only getting into really good deals, so for us it was a no brainer and to be honest, raising capital's a full time job.

And so this is one of my funniest things, and this is the way I've designed my business, my job truly is, I have partners that go out and find me deals bring me my goals, that manage the deals. My real job is just capital, just the money and it's a full time job and we're actually even working on it with my staff, we're training staff now just to go out to work for my company. And their job is going to be kind of like financial advisors but not because we're not selling stocks, bonds or mutual funds, but we're just selling investment concept and that's all their job is, is going out and meet people and telling our story. There's lots of people that are searching for someone like a Steve that's a deal maker and has access to an alternative to the stock market.

What I didn't really understand as we were getting into this is how limited the availability of these deals really is. So we started calling some of our financial advisors that were friends of ours and saying, do you want to maybe refer some people to us that could get into these deals with us that are looking for these types of returns? You know what the answer was? No, I'm sorry, we're not allowed to do that. What do you mean you're not allowed to do that? We're not allowed to tell people about these types of deals unless it's on our platform because we can't make money off of it. Okay. It's a rule for off series seven licensed brokers. And so the reason they'll never tell you real estate investments, what they'll do is they'll say, that sounds risky. You only can sell what your broker has and recommend what your broker has to sell and the traditional brokerage firms do not do real estate because it's ill liquid, they can't trade it on the open market.

So I have to be on your platform. How do I do that? I don't know what I don't know, how do I get on your platform? Oh, it's impossible. What do you mean that's impossible? Why would it be impossible if we're offering a better investment vehicle for your clients? And maybe not across the board better, but alternative. Maybe it's something that somebody wants. Why wouldn't you offer that? So I have had a couple of meetings with some broker dealers and they sat down and flat out told me, I'm not really interested in putting you on our platform, I mean, these are big players. I mean, I'm using a bunch of our partners and going into them and say, no, look, we have thousands of units that were under management and amazing ROIs and nope, won't do it.

So I say, okay, so I have to be on your platform. How do I do that? Right? I don't know what I don't know. How do I get on your platform? Oh, it's impossible. What do you mean that's impossible? Why would it be impossible if we're offering a better investment vehicle for your clients? And maybe not across the board better, but alternative. Maybe it's something that somebody wants. Why wouldn't you offer that? Right. So I have had a couple of meetings with some broker dealers and they, they sat down and flat out told me, Hey man, I'm not really interested in putting you on our platform. I mean, these are big players, right? I mean, I'm using a bunch of our partners and going into them and say, no, look, we have thousands of units that were under management and amazing ROIs and Nope, won't do it.

You know why they can't capitalize on it, they don't know how to effectively charge fees to those people. If you look at your mutual funds, your averaging, but to the two and a half percent ease. So if you're making six you're not right. So this has been a lot of our conversations is unless you know a sponsor, unless you know a deal maker, unless you know people that are buying these assets, it is very difficult to get to have access. And, and that's what I think is really interesting. So I just was just reading something about how there's 401k reform getting passed in the Senate right now. And you know what they're going to do, they're allowing brokers to sell annuities because they think it's good for people to get paid annually, which is what we do. But they figured out a way, wall street figured out a way to capitalize and fee annuities so that people can make 4% per annum as they exit. But they're not making what we're making, so, I was just having a conversation. I think it's good that retirement reform is in the Senate, but it's not through the 401k. People need to understand that they can self-direct Roth IRAs, individual retirement accounts on top of their 401ks. They can do other things to gain wealth and to build that generational wealth and create passive income, but you need to know guys like us.

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