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Posted almost 5 years ago

How To Find Balance Between Family & Business

Normal 1570211754 Commercial Real Estate Work Life Balance

John Maxwell wrote his definition of success is similar to mine, which is “the people that know me best to love me most.” Which means my wife, my kids, my friends, my family. Those are the people that are supposed to know you the best and they should love you the most. The people that it's easy to go on a work trip weekend and for those people to love you right over a couple of days, it's like, oh man, this guy was so cool, he was really nice and I had a great time with them, but does my wife feel that way every day when I get home from work. Do my kids feel like I'm giving them and I look, we all fall short of this. So I don't want this advice that I give or these quips that we talk about to be like, well this guy's just got it all together, there's days where I come home from work and the kids are already in bed and I'm like, man, I wish I was able to get home sooner. What am I going to do tomorrow that will help me get home sooner to make sure that I'm putting these things on my calendar. And some days there's just work that overwhelms you. There's just things that you have to do as an entrepreneur to get things done, but my wife and kids know that the paramount goal is to be able to spend all my time with them. So this is the push now to make sure that we don't have to do that push in a couple of years, but that's really the definition of success for me. Is for the people that know me best to love me most and first and foremost and that is my relationship with God.

Like am I doing what I need to do to be known by him in a way that he loves me the most? Am I working towards that relationship with him as well as my wife and as well as the relationships that are around me. So with that definition, we're all on a journey. I think that there has been a lot of shaping and reshaping over the years that, I have a great relationship with God, I have a great relationship with my wife, I have great relationship with my kids. There’s days, my business partner just told me the other day, he was like, I hate you when you're like that. And it's because I got really like stressed out. We were right in the middle of a $4 million capital raise, a million and a half dollar guy fell off and we needed to go back to the drawing board and we had a short period of time to do it.

And raising money is really hard, I'm having a lot of conversations trying to pull in people to commit into your deals and stuff, it's, it's hard, especially when you're painted into a corner like that. And I wasn't the version of my best self, I get stressed out and I get snappy and I don't respond as well as I should. And I think we all kind of go through that sometimes, but over the last decade, I've gotten a lot better at managing those emotions and managing how I respond and so it's a work in progress, it is a journey, not a destination. I'm I better today than I was yesterday and in that way I feel successful because we're growing in the right direction.

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