Investment Property: Pretty House Wholesale
Wednesday, July 28
Wholesale in real estate usually refers to the cheap sale of “junker” homes to rehabbers looking to fix and flip those homes. Pretty house wholesale is the same basic principle applied to much nicer properties. Obviously, you cannot just go out in the market and buy a great property, and...
Investment Property: Lease Option Vs. Subject-To
Wednesday, July 28
These are both perfectly viable ways to purchase a house with no new loans and very little money down, but in today’s market, a sub-2 purchase is simply the better way to go. Lease options are essentially rental agreements, where the renter purchases the option to buy the house at some fu...
Investment Property: Increase Rent without Losing Tenants
Wednesday, July 28
Being a landlord is difficult—like all businesses where collecting money from people is part of the job description. But, in order to be successful as a business, landlords need to cover their own costs and earn a profit every month. This means, with perennially-increasing insurance, tax,...
Investment Property: How to Screen for Quality Tenants
Wednesday, July 28
One of the most stressful elements of property management is dealing with difficult tenants. Between killing cash flow with late rental payments, and causing financial nightmares with damage—heaven forbid you have to go through an eviction—bad tenants can sink a small business. What most p...
Investment Property Acquisition
Wednesday, July 28
What to Bring When Speaking With a Potential Seller Although we hope that substance beats style in any industry, there are certainly some areas where style is a major factor. Real estate investing, like it or not, is one of these arenas. The truth is, a seller is more likely to sell his ...
Investment Property: How to Be a Successful Landlord
Wednesday, July 28
Here are four things to keep in mind when entering into business as a landlord. If maintained conscientiously, these four tips will ensure that your relationships with tenants are healthy, that you receive payments on-time and in-full, and that you are protected legally and financially. ...