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Real Estate Investing: Make Your Profit When You Buy, Not When You Sell

Monday, August 09

     The title of this article is an old real estate adage that pertains to being smart about your investments.  It is about finding good enough deals that when it comes time to sell, you won’t have to work for it, the profits will simply fall into their rightful place—your lap.  The key to ...

Landlords: Entice and Retain Tenants

Monday, August 09

      As cash flow is the most essential ingredient in any business, so it is as a landlord.  Obviously, in order to maintain cash flow as a landlord, your properties must be occupied.  There are several cost-effective ways to make you and your property very appealing to new tenants; and, in...

Investors: Don’t Ride the Real Estate Market Wave

Monday, August 09

There is a pervasive misconception about real estate investment: ride the rising market and avoid the sinking one, and you are sure to be a successful investor.  While that is not entirely false, it is certainly misleading.  Yes, you can make money in real estate by timing your investments an...

Investment Property: What to Repair when Flipping a Rehab Investment

Monday, August 09

   One of the most common forms of real estate flipping occurs when the investor finds a good deal on a property that needs repair, fixes the issues, and resells the home at its retail value for a (hopefully) substantial profit.  As with anything, rehabbers come in all shapes and varieties, ...

Investment Property: Strategies for Flipping a Property

Monday, August 09

Fix and Flip:  This is the most common strategy employed, and generally what comes to mind when people think about flipping a property.  You buy a property that needs repair, you take care of all the repairs, and you sell it as retail for a profit.  It is a reliable method that can generate ...

Investing in Probate Real Estate

Monday, August 09

  Probate real estate is one of those facets of the real estate market that is remarkably consistent, potentially very fruitful, and shockingly underutilized.  Probate refers to the process which occurs when property is left as part of the estate of a deceased person, and those to whom the pr...