What To Do When You Are In A Jam
I wanted to share with everyone some tips I have been doing as I go through a few different business “speed bumps” (nothing major).
There are a few uncontrollable things that happened on a few deals that have caused over $130,000 of revenue to get stalled out for a bit and have me quite stressed. However, as I deal with the issues and overcome them, I am doing these 3 things to ensure these temporary setbacks have no negative outcomes.
1. Put the issues in perspective:
In the grand scheme of things, I have my health, my family and my peace of mind. So temporary issues like this have no negative impact in the long run and they are here to help me learn and grow.
2. Keep up my positive daily habits and routines:
My habits and routines have led to any success I have had so far. When adversity strikes, the last thing I need to do is stop doing my positive habits. Such habits include reading, exercising and putting the right things in my body. As Jim Rohn said, “Treat your body like a temple, not a woodshed!
3. Taking daily action to overcome the challenge:
With every challenge, there are always daily action steps that are 100% in my control that I can take to expedite the process and get these issues in the rearview mirror. Remember, if you’re in a jam, focus on the next step and take daily baby steps.
Not sure if anyone is in a jam of any sorts, but if they are, hopefully, these tips can be helpful.