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Posted over 15 years ago

2008-10-20 We have heat

Another day yet?

The gas company got called out on an emergency on Thursday so they posponed it until Friday afternoon. The code guy came and passed everything with flying colors except we needed to put insulation on the pipes in the basement.  I had intended on leaving the pipes in the basement uninsulated because it is an enclosed basement and I thought some heat down there would be good, plus it would keep the floors a bit warmer on the first floor.


 We got everything hooked up Thursday and on Friday I took off work in the afternoon then tied the gas meter into our stub and hooked the hoses to the units in the basement.

 Fired the systems up and you can hardly hear them they run so quiet. Ran the emissions test on ths units and they are running at 98% efficency.  This makes me really happy.


On Saturday I went in and up on the third floor I had found some pipes that went through a knee wall space that were uninsulated.  So I crawled behind the kneewall and insulated the pipes.  The new system doesn't have a heat up cool down cycle like the older boilers.  These systems take the outside air temp and calculate what the water temp needs to be to keep the building warm.  Thus the water will be circulating almost continually so those uninsulated pipes in the atic area would be a huge heat loss.

After I was done with the pipes I vacumed the common areas and one of the tenants saw me and got me their rent check for next month so they could save the stamp.  I like that kind of thinking.

Today and plans for this week

I'm having my employee go in to work on some more of the painting of the doors on the second floor.  They hadn't been painted for 10 or more years and had a yellow look to them.  I want to get in there this week and hang the public bathroom door (it's currently an accordian door and I'm replacing it with a real door) and replace the sink that I had removed to fix a plumbing problem, and so my employee could refinish the hardwood floors that had been covered with carpet for 15 or so years. Once this bathroom is finished up then I  am going to start to advertise for office space so I can rent out the two rooms that are currently vacant.  Once I get these two rooms rented then the building will be completely maximized for income purposes.

