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Posted over 3 years ago

References - The Difference it Makes

I have never been one to push people to leave me a review or reference but today I received one of the most heartfelt and amazing references from a client I connected with on Bigger Pockets. Throughout our time together I have gotten to know them, what they are looking for, their goals, their end game, the types of deals they like and although there aren't as many deals to be made in our extremely hot sellers market we have managed to find some great properties for them. 

Reading their reference this morning I felt compelled to write a short blog about the importance I see in these references. Personally, I am always very quick to review an amazing company that has gone above and beyond for me but I never thought I would be on the receiving end and feel the way I do now. 

Real estate is more than just making money and finding the next great deal. As a broker and owner of our company I feel the best thing about what we do is the relationships we build. We work hard to build relationships on trust, understanding and education and I feel often brokers and agents are made out to be the middle man not worth what we are paid. 

Some brokers may not go as above and beyond and I understand that sometimes gives brokers a bad name in general. But I know how hard my team and I work on every single deal. I know how hard we work to find new clients. I know how often I work 12-14 hour days making sure that every client is taken care of. And to read an amazing reference makes it all worth it in the end. 

So what does a typical day in the life of a hard working broker look like? Well I'll share with you what my typical day looks like:

1. Wake up and get COFFEE - this is a must.

2. Check emails - respond to EVERY email - don't let it sit. 

3. Spend 45 minutes on Bigger Pockets

4. Schedule social media marketing

5. Engage with local businesses on social media

6. Review all transaction files.

7. Check closed broker groups for deals upcoming and see if they fit any of our clients needs.

8. Check in with all of our brokers to make sure they don't need any help.

9. HOMESCHOOL two teenage boys

10. Entertain a puppy

11. Keep my family fed and our home clean

12. Contact new people - I connect with 100 a month

13. Read a real estate or management book - I read a book a month

14. Education - I work on education monthly even if it doesn't count towards my continuing ed requirements for my license renewal.

15. Update financials for the company

16. Brainstorm marketing and blog posts

17. Check client portals for listings to see if any might need more information. 

The list grows daily and changes daily based on what we are doing and how many files are open. But as a broker I know I am worth my commission - we lead our company with our hearts and care about our clients, we aren't looking to be millionaires, but to build relationships, connections and a clientele that will refer us to everyone they know. 

If you are looking for guidance on what to look for in a broker I am happy to talk to you, if you are looking to invest in Oregon please reach out, we are a team of 8 brokers ready to help you find what you are looking for!
