Tidbits I learned about the business of healthcare as a union delegate
Sunday, November 03
When I was on the union bargaining team of the hospital I worked at, I got to learn a lot of things. In fact, I highly recommend if you have any interest in business that you join and become active in your union. It is a source of free business education. Plus, you get to annoy/educate the oth...
Limited outpatient (Part B) service plans
Saturday, October 26
There is a trend I am noticing where people get a policy that pays for inpatient hospital services only. Basically, what is considered Medicare Part A services. Which to layperson seems like would be protecting you from the big hits. Lets look at some Medicare Part B services, or what is conside...
Open Enrollment Only Happens Once a Year
Saturday, October 19
The original premise for writing a blog post on BP was to create a dialog on health insurance. Educate you to better understand what your looking at to make an informed choice. People will spend hours learning to clip coupons or hours meal prepping to lower costs (And live healthier). But once...
Is your address up to date with your HR
Sunday, September 22
Is your address up to date with your HR department? (or the exchange) Its that time of year. A majority of the HR departments are sending out your health plans. The number one way to ensure your health care costs don’t affect your present or future money plans – Open the GD packet from HR and l...
For the ?One? person who has endured my insurance blog posts
Thursday, August 08
Thinking back to the raw old school BP podcasts... I tripped on this YouTube guy that is doing the "out of my basement" talks about his real estate deals. For an isolated good-old-boy, he is pretty spot on. I was contemplating if I should share the link, but since no one seems to read my insur...
Insurance verified, active, but it’s the wrong insurance
Tuesday, August 06
Insurance verified, active, but it’s the wrong insurance A family had a health insurance plan. Mom, dad and a couple kids. We will call this health plan ‘HCG’ One adult gets scheduled for a recurring service. Usually this is an injection that can’t be done at home, it has to have a healthcare ...