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Things I did to prepare me for my first house hack.

Wednesday, January 09

           Things I did to prepare me for my first house hack.                                                              “Just do it.”Buying your first property can be scary. It was a scary process for me as well but you can’t let that stop you. If you truly have a goal of purchasing multiple ...

Rental Vacancy Update

Friday, January 04

          Rental Vacancy Update                               "Never lose. Either win or learn."So on my last post, I wrote about different ways to comp rents in your area ( That worked out fine. I h...

4 ways I verified rental comps for my house hack

Saturday, December 22

                                4 ways I verified rental comps for my house hack                                                             “Stay Hungry”So about three weeks ago I closed on my first House Hack in New Jersey. The property I purchased was a flip property so it was move in ready in...

​4 things that helped me after my first house hack.

Friday, December 14

4 things that helped me after my first house hack.“The best way to get ahead, is to get started.”So I am now a proud owner of a two family property in New Jersey. The home was move in ready but there was still a couple of things that needed to get done to prepare the property for the tenant and m...

My first Closing Day

Monday, December 03

My First Closing Day I recently closed on my first house hack. The day was November 30, 2018. This was by far one of the longest days of my life. This post won’t really teach anybody anything but I am hoping that my experience will better help the next person who reads this understand all the th...

Two surprises I didn’t account for during my house hack purchase.

Friday, November 23

           Two surprises I didn’t account for during my house hack purchase.                         “Don’t say you can’t. Instead ask yourself how can I.”Before I begin this post, I want to let everyone know that I am purchasing my house hack in New Jersey. I am sharing this because expenses and...