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Posted almost 5 years ago

Things I learned in my first Real Estate Conference

Things I learned in my first Real Estate Conference

So I attended my first real estate conference. It was a Bigger Pockets Conference. It took place in Nashville, Tennessee. It was a two day conference filled with lots of information and opportunity to network with people in the real estate world. The conference also provided a lot of opportunity for people to have fun. In this post, I chat a bit about the things I learned throughout my experience in the BP conference.

The first thing I learned about the BP conference was that the gold isn’t found in the sessions, rather it is found during the networking. I got to meet and speak to people that I would have never ever met in another situation. Not only did I get to meet these people, but I was able to speak to them about what makes them successful. One thing you have to appreciate about everyone who attended the conference was everyone’s willingness to help out their fellow investors. This is the result of most people in the conference having the abundance mindset. When you have an abundance mindset, giving out information doesn’t scare you because you know there is more than enough to go around regardless. This is very true in the real estate world. The other part of that is that most people have the information already and they choose to do nothing with it. For example, most people that want to lose weight and gets abs know how to. They just don’t want to do it because of the work it involves. You can say the same thing about real estate.

The second thing I learned was that the more you surround your self with people that are in a higher level than you are, the more you open your mind to bigger goals. This is especially the case when people you are speaking to don’t seem too far away from what you are doing. I cant help but to compare where I am versus the next person. I don’t do it to talk or think bad of the other person. I do it just to see if I am capable of taking the next step in my personal real estate career and with my team. After the conference the team and I were really motivated and have decided to take even more action and be more assertive towards our goals. We were so pumped that we were still talking real estate even after the conference. You would think that we would take a break after a 4 day trip that was all real estate but all we did was 10X our real estate conversations. People in the airports were annoyed I am sure.

The third thing I learned is that when going to a conference, you should have a plan. Granted it was our first one and we wanted to soak everything in but for the next one, it is going to be important to make sure we go into the conference with a plan and expectation of what we want out of it. How often are you in around that many real estate resources? Not often enough. With that being said, we learned that it is important for us to make sure that we take full advantage of all the resources presented to us.

In conclusion, just wanted to write this post to thank BP and the opportunity to attend this wonderful conference. Also wanted to thank the team(Freedom Home Buyers NJ). I cannot wait for the next one and I hope to have more deals to talk about and I hope more people attend so I can have more people to connect with.
