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Posted almost 6 years ago

Looks Like I May Have Dodged a Bullet

To continue the story. Florence slowed in her approach toward the coast of the Carolinas.  And she turned slightly south but mostly west--away from my property in Jacksonville, but directly toward the city of Wilmington.  That meant that Wilmington would take the brunt of the wind damage, but areas to the north and east would, in general, have more rain, lightning, and tornadoes.  

Well, when everyplace gets at least 20 inches of rain, and nearly the entire state floods for days and days, the damage is immense.  My property manager evacuated early (as mandated).  He also kept all the tenants and property owners informed with regular posts on Facebook.  Not only that, but he was extremely organized and put out information on how to prepare, curfews, Dept of Transportation road closures, and when we could expect to hear from him.  He did a cursory drive-by and it looks like my place was not damaged.  

Many families and investors will have significant losses though.  So please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.  More to come when I get a full evaluation of my property.

Comments (1)

  1. Well, about 4 months after Hurricane Florence hit, I was able to get the 2 damaged shingles replaced.  This is an item that does impact investors from a distance.  When natural disasters strike (widespread ones), all the construction crews, and the new ones moving into town, will focus on the larger, more profitable  tasks.  It is difficult to find people to repair minor damage.

    Hmmmm, maybe there is a business model that will focus only on minor repairs???

    Anyway, I did indeed survive the hurricane with minimal damage and it is fixed now, so now I look forward to what FY19 has to bring.