Choosing Furniture For Your Multifamily Property
As a multifamily investor, you want only the best for your tenants. Sure enough, this would include getting good furniture.
Admittedly, furnishing an apartment complex can be expensive. But investing in even the simplest thing as a couch or a sofa can do wonders when it comes to gaining and retaining tenants.
Here are a few tips for when you need to shop around for furniture in your multifamily property:
Start off with the basics
When picking out furniture for your multifamily, the first step is keeping the bare essentials in mind.
Some of the most basic pieces of furniture every multifamily property should have are beds, tables, desks(for the worker bees) and a few chairs here and there.
Remember, you’re not putting together a five-star hotel. But that doesn’t mean you can cheap out by not putting in the bare minimum at least. A little thought put into giving your tenants the basics goes a long way in making them happy.
Consider buying used furniture
You should also consider buying off used furniture for your multifamily.
They’re usually not priced very high, and often people tend to give away comfortable and stable furniture for almost nothing. If you find good deals like a spare couch or even a whole set of chairs being given away, take those deals immediately.
Additionally, you may have friends or family giving out used furniture or at the very least willing to give it away to you for free as hand-me-downs. All you need to do is ask.
Don’t rely on big brands
Just because you’re getting the best for your multifamily property doesn’t mean you have to depend on the brand names for quality furniture pieces.
When it really comes down to it, a couch that’s good enough to sit back and relax in front of a good show or just to chill in is always a good option for any potential tenant who is going to live in the property.
When choosing furniture for your multifamily, only know that you have to pick out the best. The brand hardly matters when the piece is good enough
Keep it affordable
Even when you’re picking out the best for your multifamily property, you still have to mind your budget.
Furniture pieces can be costly at the end of the day. So, it’s always best to watch just how much you’re going to be spending for each piece, especially for how many go in each unit of your multifamily.
It’s surprisingly easy to burn through your budget for furniture in your multifamily than you think. So make sure you keep a check of your funding as you buy your pieces.
Nothing should be overlooked when it comes to your multifamily, especially when it comes to providing furniture for your tenants.
Investing in the best not only makes your multifamily tenants happy, but it also improves the profitability of your building by making it more livable.