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Posted almost 5 years ago

You Are The Best Investment

To invest in yourself is making the greatest investment you could possibly make in your life.

How much have you invested in fancy apartments or well-made houses? And how much time did you spend on developing your skills?

In The Miracle of Personal Development by Jim Rohn, he states that Income seldom exceeds personal development” and in the case of investing in yourself, it doesn’t matter how much dough you’ve got in the bank account if you’re spending it on everything but developing yourself.

Here are a few ways you can invest in yourself for a change:

Invest In Reading

Nothing goes wrong with buying a book...or ten.

Millionaires and business owners have gotten as far as they have by reading a couple of books or blogs along the way. Books are powerful tools that take the mind places it can only dream of going and give you ideas that never even thought you had in the first place.

It’s also a way to remind yourself that you can never really stop learning. Each new book could contain the next big idea you might have that makes you money, better yet, maybe that idea could be you writing your own thickly paged bestseller.

Invest In Physical Health

How long has it been since you’ve gotten a decent workout? Maybe gotten some serious skincare or maybe went to see your dentist?

Investing in your physical health is nothing to overlook. Try sparing a few bucks into a few workout programs or at the very least get a check-up from your doctors to make sure you’re still in working order. It never harms you and especially it doesn’t harm your wallet to keep yourself healthy.

Invest in Your Skills

Maybe you feel like you know enough. However, in reality, there is so much you can still learn in this world. And what’s not to spend on learning new things for yourself?

Reading books was already a good start to expanding your knowledge, but you can also use it for classes that improve your cooking, cleaning, or even help you learn more about the real estate business itself. And if you’re a realtor, anything else you can learn about real estate is essential in your career.

Invest In Your Future

Part of the journey is the end. And what you do that builds up to it is something worth putting some money into.

Investing in your future can be something as simple as saving for the retirement chapter of your life. At the prime of your life, saving for the near future is never a silly or foolish thing to even consider.

Also, consider that it also makes it easier not just for yourself, but your family and relatives, who can also benefit from this foresight on your behalf.

An Investment might usually mean putting money into things that will hopefully get you more money in return, and yes, this may be true. But investing isn’t just limited to trusting money to others.

An investment can also mean trusting money to yourself in the absolute certainty you’ll benefit from it. Because you are the best investment you can make.
