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Posted almost 5 years ago

The Body Language of Real Estate

Communication between you and your client is crucial for achieving specific goals and sometimes, it’s not just words that convince someone to agree to a deal. It’s your body language that gives either a hit or miss when it comes to helping clients with their needs.

Here are some key body expressions that can either make your sale or toss it across the bay:

Facial Expressions

Saint Jerome describes the face in a quote as: “The mirror of the mind.” In other words, everything that goes on in our brains is indicated through our facial expressions… at least, that’s what your client is probably getting out of during every interaction.

Having a smile on your face lets you shine with positivity, but too much of that can come off as awkward, especially when the conversation takes a serious, more somber tone. But, lacking a vibrant smile on your first meeting, on the other hand, can intimidate your client, thus making the whole negotiation uneasy and tense when it shouldn’t be.

It’s all about balance, and no, having a permanent poker face would not work at all, and would probably just convince your client you aren’t interested in the deal and they might call it off. But keeping your expressions balanced and in check can lead to positive results in the long run.

Additionally, pay close attention to your client’s facial expressions as well. While it is more important for your facial expressions to be kept in check, it’s also important to study if a mere twitch in the permanent expression of your client might compel you to change your manner of negotiating.

Eye Contact

It’s generally known that the eyes are the “windows to the soul” or as expertly written by Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre: The soul, fortunately, has an interpreter - often an unconscious but still a faithful interpreter - in the eye.

Sure enough, maintaining eye contact shows that you’re interested in what your client has to say. However, you also need to learn to back off if your client grows weary or is uncomfortable with the attention your eyes are giving theirs.

Moreover, looking down or into the distance won’t engage your client at all. This would make your client feel disinterested with what you're offering. As much as possible, you need your client to be within your zone and it helps if you’re able to capture them by maintaining eye contact.


Making yourself look as stable as the house you’re selling will convince the client that what you’re trying to sell is worth their time and money.

That’s the key here: confidence through posture. Present yourself as you might be presenting a golden mansion or a bungalow by the seashore. Being calm, relaxed, and always on your cool despite heated situations shows clients that you’re oozing confidence.

Of course, there should be a balance here. You don’t want to intimidate your clients by being that overly confident realtor. You want to keep calm and inviting by making yourself less stiff. Assume a posture that’s friendly, like the way you approach a friend after a very long time being away from your hometown.

Words can only sell so much if you don’t use the right body language. To keep clients interested and assured that what you’re selling them is legit, it’s important to let your body talk with your mouth.
