5 Ways to Boost Your Happiness
“A calm and modest life brings more happiness than the pursuit of success combined with constant restlessness.”
- Albert Einstein
People often ask me how do I manage to smile even though I’m having a bad week. I simply tell them, it’s because I was born to smile. Oh! That’s why they call me Mr. Smile for that reason, and that just makes me happier!
Happiness is the medicine for all the hardships we’re experiencing. But what’s fascinating about happiness is that it makes you feel relaxed and calm. Positivity goes a long way since it enables us to perform beyond our current potential.
Unfortunately, because of our busy lifestyles and the personal issues we all have, we tend to forget our need to feel happy.
That said, I’m going to share tips on how to boost happiness in your life:
1. Eat dark chocolate
Uhh! Believe it or not, this sweet snack can improve your mood and your feeling. They contain polyphenols which are known to have anti-depressant properties, especially in darker varieties. With just a few grams of dark chocolate, you can enjoy this snack without having to feel guilty. Sounds good, right?
2. Begin and end each day with a smile
The story of your day must start and end with that line on your face that tells people how enthusiastic you are. Having a genuine smile also gives people a good reason to approach you. So, set your mood for the day by smiling and being positive.
3. Do what your heart pleases you
When you’re doing the things you love, you feel a sense of fulfillment. If you’re pursuing your passion, it gives you a sense of contentment, and it contributes to your overall well-being. Let me share a small secret? Passion equals success.
4. Cuddle time with your furry pets
Your feline and canine friends, aside from being irresistibly cute, can help you uplift your mood. Aside from that, your pets give you a sense of support, especially when you’re going through a rough time. One thing’s for sure, your pets can provide you with the unconditional love you have always yearned for.
5.Practice gratitude
One of the key ingredients of happiness is expressing gratitude towards others. Thanking for your good health, your family, and friends will please your soul and your heart. Surely, it’ll make you feel blessed and it will eradicate negative thoughts and feelings that lie within you.