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Posted about 5 years ago

Three Easy Ways to Stimulate your Brain

Normal 1556111198 Three Easy Ways To Stimulate Your Brain

The human brain is such a fascinating machine. Did you know that it can generate 23 watts of power when it’s awake? It’s interesting how that much energy can process thoughts and actions every single second. Car engines and computers can’t run for too long a time, so we have to be thankful that we have brains that work round the clock.

However, like most machines, our brains require regular maintenance. They need to be kept in good condition all of the time. Over time, they can deteriorate, making it increasingly harder for us to remember important things, plan strategies, and focus on our goals.

Here are the five things you can do to stimulate your brain:

Engage in conversations

In a study published Psychology Today, researchers from MIT and Harvard have found a correlation between brain development and language at a younger age. Conversations between parents and their children tend to stimulate the language faculties, which allow children to develop advanced language skills later on.

Even as adults, can still stimulate their brains by having interactions with others. Taking part in engaging and valuable conversations can help you develop important communication skills. Moreover, the new information you pick up is also a huge benefit of having conversations with strangers or even people you know. That being said, strike up a conversation whenever you can. Waiting for your flight or sharing a cafe table with someone else can provide you an opportunity to open up yourself to new knowledge.

Read relevant books

Of course, this is already a no brainer(no pun intended). Reading really is the best exercise your brain can do to make it stronger. For that reason alone, you should start buying and reading books that are offering the best value to your life.

When choosing the right books, look for titles that are related to your industry. If you’re an athlete, then read inspirational material from the world’s famous people in sport. If you’re a real estate investor, you can purchase e-books about everything you need to start building massive wealth.

As much as you want to read books about your interests, you can also try reading books on a variety of topics. Searching for information that’s new to you can greatly increase your brain power, so spend time searching for books beyond your niche.

Get enough rest

Sleep enables us to recharge our batteries. Even though our brains are able to work round the clock, they still need ample time to rejuvenate. With sleep, we are putting our brains at low-power mode, allowing them enough time for brain cells to regenerate.

Even if you have a busy schedule, it’s still important to get your full eight hours of sleep. After all, a well-rested mind is able to work properly and take on any complex challenge that’s standing its way.

Use these tips to stimulate your brain and you will see great results afterward.
