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Training Your Brain For Positivity

Monday, February 03

Positivity in the mind seems easier to pass on to others. However, when it comes to applying it to our own lives, it suddenly becomes terribly difficult to squeeze it in. This is why positivity, for all its benefits, can also be such a large commitment to bring into your life as you can’t just sa...

Benefits of a Positive Mindset

Monday, January 27

Positivity can really improve your life if you set your mind to it. A positive mindset can be difficult to bring into your life, let alone to maintain in the daily tasks and hardships that can sour most days, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to brighten up your livelihood with positive think...

Understanding the Legal Side of Multifamily Syndication

Thursday, January 23

There are a lot of legal issues to consider before you can start looking for partners for your multifamily syndication. Understanding federal and local laws and ordinances will help you steer clear of potentially damaging and costly issues later on. On that note, here are a few key pointers for ...

How to Fill Vacant Units with the Right Tenants

Wednesday, January 22

Finding tenants for your multifamily is an easy process, but the real challenge is in finding residents who will be staying for the long-term. The sad truth about multifamily is that looking for genuinely fantastic tenants is like diving into a fifty-foot haystack without knowing if you’ll get th...

Tips for Handling Packages for Multifamily Tenants

Tuesday, January 21

As e-shopping becomes increasingly popular, it is only proper for multifamily property owners to handle parcels properly. Your multifamily should be prepared for a steady flow of packages coming to the front door of your property whether or not it’s the holiday season. Here are a few things you ...

Technological Trends In Multifamily To Consider For 2020

Friday, January 17

Technology has long been intertwined with change, adaption, and evolution. This is why it is time to consider the technological trends that will impact the industry in 2020. What kind of technologies will affect your multifamily the most? How will you use them to engage potential and existing ten...