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Posted almost 15 years ago

Hard Working Weekend

This past weekend I worked my tail off on my apartments.  However, it was a successful weekend. I hired a day laborer for Saturday and Sunday and we each put 20 hours of work in on Saturday and Sunday for a total of 40 man hours.  Below is a checklist of things we accomplished.


  1. Mow three yards
  2. Spray the weeds on two of the apartments
  3. Paint the interior of Sharon Drive
  4. Pressure wash exterior of Sharon Drive
  5. Sand exterior of Sharon Drive
  6. Put a coat of Kilz on exterior of Sharon Drive
  7. Picked out and paid for linoleum for Sharon Drive
  8. Clean the major appliances
  9. Put a move-out letter together for a tenant that is moving out of Landmark
The list may not sound that long, but it was a full weekend of work.  This is the bad part of being a real estate investor; when you have to work all weekend to get an apartment ready so you don't lose any potential rent.  It's not glamorous, but I try to do as much as I can to save money.  Hiring the day laborer was very helpful and at a bargain of a price.  I paid him $10 an hour and he did a great job.   The regular contractors are coming back tomorrow to start installing the sub-flooring and reinstalling the cabinets.  They also have to put down linoleum in the kitchen and bathroom.  I am hopeful the apartment will be completely ready to rent by Saturday.  I still have to put a final coat of paint on the exterior of Sharon Drive, but that shouldn't hold up renting.  My plan is to take Saturday to finish painting and also get the weeds pulled up at Sharon Drive and Landmark.   I will be glad when winter comes and I don't have to pull weeds and mow grass.  

