Apartment Smells Like Urine (It could be a water leak.)
I recently had an elderly tenant move out of my duplex and into a nursing home. This is the first time I've been in that unit in three years. The tenant suffered from dementia and I spent about the last year trying to get her family to get her into a nursing home. She had disassociated herself from all her family, because she believed everyone was trying to steal from her. Well they finally got her into a nursing home 2 weeks ago.
The Smell
I had noticed the last 6 months or so that when I picked up rent that there was a strong smell of urine coming from the apartment. My assumption was that it was due to lack of cleanliness or soiled diapers. After getting the apartment cleaned out, (This is a whole story in itself.) I noticed the smell was still in the apartment. It turned out that water heater had been slowly leaking for about a year. The kitchen floor on the apartment is particle board. When particle board gets soaking wet it breaks down causing a chemical reaction that gives off an odor-like smell. It also expands and breaks down losing strength. Since the leak had been going on for some time it has spread throughout most of the kitchen floor. This is a good lesson for any landlord to recognize the signs of wet particle board.
To solve the problem I'm going to have to replace the entire kitchen floor. This means the kitchen counters, new water heater, stove, refrigerator all have to be removed so that the floor can be replaced. I will also have to put down new linoleum. I've had a couple contractors come by and quote the job. I'm thinking it's going to be about $1,200 to get it all replaced.
The Lesson Learned
If I ever smell a "urine like" smell coming from one of my apartments I am going to be sure to immediately check it for leaks. Since I did not take immediate action, it is going to take more effort and money to fix the problem.
Comments (4)
Thanks Josh! I would of liked to get more, but I've just had a tough time finding time to meet the contractors. The contractor did get started today. He ripped out all the kitchen counters, linoleum, and subflooring. I am going to go inspect it tomorrow, but he said it was very wet and smelled terrible. We have got fans on it and will let it dry out at least over the weekend. I've got a couple helpers coming over tomorrow to help me paint some of the other rooms and the exterior of the duplex. I also need to mow the duplex and triplex, also. It's going to be a busy day!
Michael Rogers, over 15 years ago
Great post . . . great lesson learned. Ignoring problems, no matter how small we think they are, is almost always going to lead to bigger and badder problems. I'd encourage a few more bids though, Michael -- 4 is where I'd start. Good luck!
Joshua Dorkin, over 15 years ago
Yeah, I was pretty sure it was urine until we pulled up the linoleum around the water heater and smelled the soaked particle board. I had two contractors come by and give me quotes and they confirmed that the smell was common when the particle board gets wet. One contractor quoted $1,200 and the 2nd quoted $3,200. Quite a difference!
Michael Rogers, over 15 years ago
I almost dont believe this due to the elderly tenant and her problems. But it is interesting, and possible. Glad you posted this.
Jim Wineinger, over 15 years ago