Mend Your Spend For Better Credit
Wednesday, September 22
“Tough times never last, but tough people do.” - Dr. Robert Schuller Your new mortgage company sticks you with high interest. The best credit cards are out of your reach. You finally found that great new car and your loan application comes back with a big fat DENIED. None of these are situations...
Small Business Tax Credit Updates Owners Will Want to Consider
Wednesday, September 22
“I always tried to turn every disaster into an opportunity. ” - John D. Rockefeller Businesses and their owners the country over have been enjoying some great small business tax credits from the federal government in the last 18 months. But, as 2021 is winding down, it’s important to know that s...
Problems In The Clouds?
Monday, August 30
In the olden days, business owners kept track of their records by hand in the old reliable notebook or ledger. So, what an innovation it must have seemed to move business information to a floppy disk that could plug into a computer. The disks got smaller (and a lot less floppy - thankfully), but ...
WOW! Paying NO Income Tax?
Monday, August 30
Yeap, you read that subject line right. What a fantastical dream -- to pay no taxes. Now ... would it surprise you if I said most American households enjoyed that very dream in 2020 because they didn’t pay a single dime of income tax? Last year’s insanely rocky economy and subsequent federal reli...
Know Your Rights With IRS
Wednesday, August 25
When the IRS is breathing down your neck, it may feel like you have no choice but to just roll over and take whatever they dish out. But here’s the thing… You have an extensive set of rights, guaranteed by law, when dealing with the IRS. Yep, you sure do! They’re pretty extensive rights, too. Of ...
Primer On Business Tax Deductions
Wednesday, August 25
One thing you can expect from me come rain or shine is to keep you in the loop on changes to all things tax related. This week is no exception. There are some important changes to small business tax deductions rolling out, and not all deductions apply to all businesses. But first, let’s briefly t...