Wednesday, January 05
As we step over the threshold into 2022, we're all staring at much lower numbers in our P/L's. It's a new slate, and the possibilities are endless. What will you do in 2022? That's the question of the hour ... and it has much less to do with outside circumstances than it does with YOU. Your choic...
How To Get It Together In 2022
Wednesday, January 05
I hope it's okay that I spare you all of the "new year, new you" stuff. If you're anything like me, your inbox is overflowing with rehashed well-wishes and generic, happy-clappy "time to set some goals!!!" talk. And now that the ball has dropped in NYC, and all of the moves that could have been m...
4-Year-End Tax Strategies for Businesses
Monday, December 27
Before I dive into some year-end tax strategies business owners can and should be making, I want to address some rumors and misinformation about the SALT (State And Local Taxes) workarounds that are available to some of our clients (though not all). Essentially, 22 states (as of this writing) hav...
Monday, December 27
I remember reaching the end of 2020 ... it seemed as if all of us were breathing a huge collective sigh of relief. And then ... more chaos. Is it wrong to hope that 2022 will turn out better? Hard to say ... but I do know that what I DON'T want to do is retreat into bitter cynicism. That's hard t...
Holiday Thoughts To Guide Us Into The New Year
Monday, December 20
These last couple weeks of 2021 are already a little unusual. Current events are swirling around virus policy, the big Biden "Build Back Better" Act seems to have hit a Joe-Manchin-sized brick wall, sports leagues are in an uproar around rising Covid case numbers, and more. And this, of course, o...
5-Reasons People Fall Into (And Stay In) Debt
Monday, December 20
Today calls for a little bluntness… a bit risky, I know, but necessary. And I’ll give a caveat here and say that what I’m talking about today has nothing to do with people in truly difficult financial circumstances… You know, balance-sheet-wrecking things completely out of your control. Things li...