How do you find motivated sellers when you can't get an Absentee List?
Just because you can’t get Absentee Owners, doesn’t mean that you are out of luck
In some parts of the country, real estate data isn’t available. If you are in one of the non-disclosure areas, you know it. The entire state of Kansas and other individual counties simply don’t provide real estate data. It might be that they consider “public information” as private, but others just don’t have the technology. This leaves real estate investors without access to mortgage info, absentee owners and other real property data.
Not all is lost. As a real estate investor, you can still get great mail lists for your direct mail campaigns.
When you work with a good list broker, they can build list of homeowners with motivational characteristics for selling their home. Your broker just needs to get a little creative – utilizing a comprehensive and accurate compiled consumer database.
Certain owner-occupied homeowners can be great off-market leads, letting you find people who want to get out from under the stresses of homeownership.
One primary segment is Senior Homeowners with Long-Time Ownership. Consider these charactoristics:
- Might be in their 50’s: Nearing retirements and the kids are gone – ready to downsize
- Or older – on fixed income, time to cash their equity and be done with home maintenance
- They have lived in the home for 15 or 20+ years (haven’t downsized yet)
- Single family homes (quite often have family or other support in multifamily homes)
- You can specify the home value that makes sense for your program
- Maybe add in low Financial Stability Scores (FSS)
This group isn’t just for non-disclosure areas. They are also especially effective in crowded markets where every Absentee Owner has already received mail from your competitors. The Seniors are just one segment that a creative broker can recommend – work with one that knowns how to work the database in your favor.
Learn more about why Seniors With Long-Time Ownership are such good real estate investor leads.
These are some of the area’s where you need this extra help. Here are some of the more significant areas:
The entire state of Kansas, many counties in UT, Suffolk county NY, Clay county MO. Other areas not reporting; about 50 counties in TX, 18 in SD, 15 in ND, 12 in NE and pockets in other states including MT, GA, HI, CO and VA.
Whether you are BRRRR, buy and hold, flipping, house hacking, wholesaling or other REI strategy, work with a list broker to find alternative lists. Get more information on the Senior Motivated Seller List