Private Equity Meets Stock Market
Saturday, March 09
In this article, I will explore options for wealth-building, as well as how to best maximize wealth. I will also offer my own opinion on whether Wall Street or Private Equity investing is better; spoiler alert – I prefer Private Equity over Wall Street.Right off the bat, I think we would all agre...
What exactly is an Opportunity Zone?
Sunday, January 20
In my previous article I wrote about tax advantages of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Job Act (TCJA). In this article, I would like to expand about the U.S. Treasury Department proposed regulations for the federal Opportunity Zone tax incentive program that was created under the TCJA. Take note that whi...
How to Pay Less in Taxes
Sunday, December 30
Most real estate investors own property personally or in an LLC (Limited Liability Corporation). Because in both instances taxes are paid on a personal (not corporate) level, the new Tax Cuts & Job Acts (TCJA) tax law could be a win with its reduced personal tax rates; that is if you know how...
What goes up, must come down (or market cycles fluctuation)
Thursday, December 27
We’ve all heard the old cliche, “What goes up, must come down.” Well, this proverb also certainly applies to the real estate market. As long as we are citing cliches, here’s another that we should all take to heed, “Measure thrice, check twice, and cut once.” What I mean by this is that investor...
You cannot force a rain, but you can force a property to appreciate
Monday, November 26
One of the ways real estate allows to create wealth is through appreciation. Appreciation can either be forced or natural.Let us first look at the definition of the word appreciation. According to the Miriam-Webster dictionary appreciation is defined as “increase in value”. In other words, when a...
Deciphering Syndication Investment Terminology
Sunday, November 04
One of our firm’s primary focuses is to work with passive investors interested to invest in syndications. It is not uncommon for folks to be confused about the meaning of the Offering Memorandum terms that investors either forgot from their college days or may never even heard of before. So, I co...