We are all brainwashed to hold on to old beliefs
Saturday, May 19
For many generations, women have been seen as merely a child-producing source; as a nurturing resource for everyone around them, and in various ways as men’s support mechanism. However, as we are progressing through the twenty-first century, the roles of both genders have been transforming quite ...
What do you mean by “luxury mobile homes”?
Sunday, May 06
We live in a society that stereotypes and generalizes every person, situation or object. As John Gray called out in his book, “Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus”, women stereotype men and men stereotype women. So, when someone says, “I live in a mobile home”, most automatically imagine a ti...
No Women Allowed or Old Boys Club
Saturday, April 28
There were times in recent history when women were not allowed to enter boardrooms or even business meetings. Housewife was considered the only role for a woman to have. Among the dozens or even hundreds of activities women accomplished every day, they served dinner, maintained the family house, ...