Step 1 Continued & Housekeeping
Good evening!
In the previous post, I didn't see much potential in my neighborhood, heck who am I kidding? I didn't see any! So The next best thing is to go outside of my area.
Sold within 3 months
3bed 2 bath
Town 1
Town 2
Zip Code 1
< $100K
Results: 1
average: $65K
100K to 200K
Results 1
Average: 101K
Zip Code 2
Results 1
Average 62K
100K to 200K
Results None
Town 3
Zipcode 1
Results: 21
Average 81K
Town 1: 275K
Town 2: 280K
Town 3: 225K
It looks like I've found a town that has potential(Town 3 Zipcode 1). Before moving onto the next step, there are a few housekeeping tasks that I need to do as I continue to read the book Finding & Funding Great Deals: The Hands-on Guide to Acquiring Real Estate by Anson Young.
Create account
Introduce myself on the forums
Upload picture.
Tomorrow I will go onto the next step which will be chapter 3: Reaching Your Market.