Step 1: Market Analysis
How should I start with leads or creating my buyers list? Well I bought the book Finding & Funding Great Deals: The Hands-on Guide to Acquiring Real Estate by Anson Young, and this first things is to start with leads/deals. So that's where I'm going to start.
Evaluating My Market
So I live in the Central Valley of California, so this would be a good place to start my Market Research. Since I'm still trying to find a friendly real estate investor in my area, I'm going to use to analyze my market.
Objective: Find the highest concentration of properties recently sold to investors
Single Family House
3 Bed 2 Bath
1,500 sqft
Zip Code 1
$50,000 to $100,000
Results: 0
$100,000 to $150,000
Results: 0
$150,000 to $200,000
Results: 3
$200,000 to $300,000
Results: 3
$250,000 to $300,000
Results: 11
Zip Code 2
$50,000 to $100,000
Results: 1
$100,000 to $150,000
Results: 2
$150,000 to $200,000
Results: 3
$200,000 to $300,000
Results: 19
$250,000 to $300,000
Results: 26
So now that I've looked at the prices it's time to establish a base price for what investors are paying for these houses.
Zipcode 1 Baseline: No houses
Zipcode 2 Baseline: $160,000
It doesn't look like I'll be having much luck in Zipcode 1 since that is the nicer part of town which is closest to the university. My town probably isn't an ideal place to do wholesale. Tomorrow we'll do a Market Research on the surrounding towns to see if there is opportunity there and to continue to develop my REI toolkit.