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Options for a Home Seller - Part 1

Friday, January 11

Part 1: Traditional ListingPart 1 of an 8 part series -Goal: To educate a home seller on the options for selling their home.“What are my options?”This is one of the most common questions I receive from home sellers, and it’s a valid question. How do you, as a home seller, expect to make an inform...

Pros and Cons of Selling To an Investor

Friday, January 04

Are you having trouble determining or communicating what value you bring to a seller? When I first started this was difficult for me to explain to a seller so I wrote the below Pros & Cons to help guide the conversation with sellers. I hope this can help you as much as it has helped me! Enjoy...

Sell Your House Fast with These 9 Steps

Friday, January 04

Unfortunately, not every seller will need your services. But what every seller does need is help determining how you (the investor) add value to them! I used this 9 step guide to help educate sellers on what it takes to sell a home if they wanted to do it themselves. After the conversation, they ...

How Beneficial is Modeling?

Tuesday, December 18

Get your head out of the gutter; it’s not a babe in lingerie or a shredded guy in his underwear. Modeling is the act of mimicking or copying someone that has, or is doing, that which you want. I first heard this concept from Tony Robbins (If you haven’t heard of Tony then I highly recommend you g...

​Don't Be THAT Homeowner

Tuesday, December 18

I’ve met dozens of homeowners who “just couldn’t keep up” with their homes’ maintenance and repairs. “One thing led to another, and I just couldn’t keep up,” the homeowner says. “Now I don’t have the time or the money to fix everything.”Do things in your home seem to break all the time? Are you c...

Can Someone Else’s Stupidity Hurt You?

Tuesday, December 18

A few years ago I was in a battle with a buyer for $2,000 in earnest money. The buyer decided to wait last minute to complete inspections (not something I recommend). Thereby the inspection report was delivered the day the option period ended.The buyer’s agent submitted a repair request and an op...