How to Optimize Your 401k (And Avoid the Pitfalls)!
Tuesday, July 17
For most of my fellow oil and gas friends a 401k is as common as a paid internship, hell most of us could invest in a 401k during our internship. But for some of the young professionals out there, a 401k isn't as well understood or utilized. Don't fret if you're one of these people, you're more c...
What Are Stock Options? And What Happened to my 20k?!?!
Tuesday, July 17
Stock options are as mysterious as they are lucrative. Most people immediately assume options are tied to huge risk, but that's not always the case. Stock options are pliable, you can morph them into any kind of exposure you want, from conservative monthly income to aggressive weekly bets. You mu...
How (and Why) to Rebalance Your Portfolio
Wednesday, July 11
Rebalancing is routine for the wealthy. The wealthy understand the importance of asset allocation and when the desired proportions get out of alignment, they adjust or rebalance their portfolio. There are a few tricks to rebalancing that can enhance your returns and make sure you keep more money ...
Objective View of Stocks, Mutual Funds & Index Funds (Clear Winner?)
Tuesday, July 03
Now that you know the desired asset allocation for someone in their mid-twenties, how do you invest to achieve the appropriate percentages? Do you buy one small cap stock, one international stock, and throw a few bucks in a bond, then add money in each until the proportions are sufficient? The an...
How Powerful is Asset Allocation?
Monday, June 18
According to Burton Malkiel, the Chemical Bank Chairman's Professor of Economics at Princeton University and author of A Random Walk Down Wall Street, below is the basic portfolio for a young investor. Malkiel has authored over 125 articles and is the author or co-author of nine other books. He u...
How Powerful is Compounding Interest Anyways?
Monday, June 11
"Compounding interest is the eight wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it...He who doesn't...pays it," Einstein said.Above is a graphical representation showing the power of compounding interest Einstein was talking about. Notice the principle or initial investment in blue is $1,000...