6 Lessons From 6 Years Of Professional Trading
Monday, December 04
Fun fact, I'm not allergic to bed bugs.I learned this from spending 7 months on my friends bed bug infested couch. I think they moved in around month 4, but we had no idea until they were visibly intruding.I learned a lot from my time in Chicago.I moved there to start trading stocks at a propriet...
The Turkey Problem For Real Estate Investors
Friday, November 24
Happy Thanksgiving y'all! This is my favorite holiday of the year. It's all about appreciating what you have. There are no gifts to give or receive, we simply feast, in gratitude, with our family and friends.Thanksgiving was always a great time for trading stocks. This is the first time in 6 year...
The Richest Man In The World Bought Me Lunch — Here's Why...
Wednesday, November 15
Buy The DipIn the spring of 2009, as the financial world was in free-fall, I had the opportunity to meet Warren Buffett, in Omaha. This was a dream come true for me! I'd been investing any money I could save in stocks for a few years, and I knew he was possibly the best investor ever.I went as a ...
Learn From Our Mistakes! - Buying Then Selling an Oversized House
Wednesday, November 08
Big House Blues In early 2016, we moved from a 900 sqft cottage, to a 3000 sqft new construction home with 5 beds and 4 baths. Business was good, and we felt like we'd made it! 18 months later we had to sell that house for one half the size. I'm still not sure if I would call these mistakes, but ...
4 Takeaways from our first live-in flip.
Wednesday, November 01
Every new investing experience comes with a huge serving of education. For me, this education is usually preceded by massive fear and anxiety. The challenge is figuring out how to mitigate these fears and keep moving forward.That's pretty much how our live-in flip went. After years of thinking ab...