7 Lessons About People That Will Make You More Money In Real Estate
Thursday, February 21
Only a small portion of real estate is about dirt, bricks, and sticks. It’s mostly about people. This is true whether it’s a ten thousand dollar deal or a ten million dollar deal.It makes sense that if you want to be good at real estate, you’d better learn about people. Understanding big picture ...
10 Books That Taught Me The Most In 2018
Saturday, January 26
Prior to last year, I had never read a sales or marketing book. I devoured finance and investment texts, but books on the “soft skills” eluded me.Real estate is essentially a sales and marketing business. That’s really what it all comes down to. Once I accepted this fact, I decided to dig in to t...
15 Reasons You Should Love Rental Properties
Sunday, May 27
There are approximately 16,000 TV shows about flipping houses. For good reason. It’s cool to watch transformations, and the payday’s are huge!I don’t know of any TV shows about landlords. Where is the love? I think it’s because owning rental property is not exciting or sexy. If done right, it’s b...
7 Apps To Help You Reduce Vacancies
Saturday, February 17
After two years of using a sub-par property manager, I decided to take over managing my two rental properties.Mortgage payments were due, but there was no income coming in. Both of my rental homes were vacant. I was planning to lease and manage them myself for the first time, but had no systems o...
11 Reasons WHY Investors Need To Go To REIAs
Monday, December 11
So you want to get into real estate investing? The first advice everyone is given, is to get involved in the local REIAs. This is the advice I was given, and the advice I give others now.But why? What does showing up at REIAs accomplish? How does this help you as an investor? Why is it so valuabl...
6 Lessons From 6 Years Of Professional Trading
Monday, December 04
Fun fact, I'm not allergic to bed bugs.I learned this from spending 7 months on my friends bed bug infested couch. I think they moved in around month 4, but we had no idea until they were visibly intruding.I learned a lot from my time in Chicago.I moved there to start trading stocks at a propriet...