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Solving Traffic Congestion

Monday, March 28

A report published in 2021 listed New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston, Miami, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Houston as the US cities with the worst traffic congestion (in that order). While it shouldn’t be a surprise to see any of these cities among the top ten, there are some interesting n...

Public Speaking: Lessons Learned and Some Advice

Monday, March 21

I don’t consider myself an expert at public speaking, but I was recently reminded that I’m probably better at it than I give myself credit for. I’ve been complimented in the past, and again recently for appearing both confident and comfortable in front of a group. As our class recently gave pre...

What Is Affordable Housing?

Monday, March 14

When we hear the term “affordable housing” we often think of “low-income housing”. But the two terms are not in fact the same. Low-income housing is housing aimed at those with lower income levels, while affordable housing refers to housing that is “affordable” for a given income level. The US De...

Two Types of Real Estate Investing Paths

Sunday, February 27

I sometimes feel like there are two types of real estate investors. First, there’s the traditional professionals who went the route of securing a degree, whether in business, accounting, finance, real estate, or another related field, and began working for an established company, whether as a sal...

The Purpose of Regulations and City Codes

Monday, February 21

In an earlier article, I talked about a city planning meeting that centered around a cannabis dispensary permit. The permit had been previously granted, but there was an appeal to that approval that was being discussed. In this article, we pick up where the last meeting ended. Reviewing the Case ...

Finding Your Niche in Real Estate

Monday, February 14

When I first started telling people that I was interested in real estate, they assumed that I meant selling residential homes. I know I’m not the only one who has had that experience. Real estate is a very broad field and there are so many different ways to have a career in real estate. Naturall...