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Recording Your Property Deed/Title

Monday, November 07

Most people are aware of the fact that when you purchase a home that you’ll record the deed with the County Recorder. This basically serves to notify any interested party that a property has changed ownership. This is especially important when you go to sell your property at a later date. Imagi...

Government Funding for Real Estate Projects

Tuesday, October 25

Most people are at least curious about government funding, which makes sense. Any prudent investor would be interested in the different available sources of funding, especially when it’s funding that you don’t have to repay. Government funding won’t provide you all the money you need to get your ...

Dealing with Difficult Negotiators

Monday, October 10

In the business world, we will all find ourselves in situations where we need to negotiate with others. Sometimes, our interests are aligned and other times they are not. Either way, we often find ourselves needing to work out deals with others in order to achieve our goals. Unfortunately, even i...

Negotiations Shouldn’t Be All About Conflict

Tuesday, September 27

This past year I took a course on negotiation. Honestly, I wasn’t looking forward to it. It’s one of those subjects that I knew I needed to work on, but that I would’ve also been content to avoid. I’ve always thought of negotiating as a necessary evil and inherently laden with conflict. But I’ve...

Student Loans as Asset Backed Securities

Monday, September 12

Many people are familiar with the phrase “commercial mortgage backed security” or CMBS. But what you may not be aware of is, that a CMBS is only one of several types of asset backed securities. The concepts behind CMBS can be just as easily applied to any number of other assets such as auto loans...

Explaining Interior Urbanism

Monday, August 29

Interior urbanism refers to the design of interior spaces that are so large that they begin to act like cities. Examples Examples include large airports like Hartsfield-Jackson International, cruise ships, super-regional malls like the Mall of America or King of Prussia Mall, along with undergro...