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Tenant Screening

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Pete Bhanshali
  • Chicago-Texas
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Eviction NightMare in Dallas Texas/Dallas County

Pete Bhanshali
  • Chicago-Texas
Posted Jan 3 2023, 06:53

Hello BP Family,

Happy New year everyone. 

I inherited the tenant with the duplex I purchased in Dallas county.   I started the eviction in early October 2022, I have been using this company and they have been really successful in getting the tenant evicted. On Dec 12th, I was awarded back rent by JP court but tenant filed appeal (month deposit is waived as bond if you claim not to have any $$$).  Now the case is moved to county court and have to hire a lawyer. The person that is handling the eviction told me that county court still has not received the paperwork and JP court is claiming they have sent it. I did speak to an attorney and she also stated that Dallas county is tenant friendly similar to Chicago, it's not uncommon for judges to change court dates at last min and give tenants unnecessary leeway. 

Can anyone recommend a eviction lawyer they have used for Dallas county and have they run into the issue similar as mine? On Avg how long did it take to evict someone in Dallas county?

Thank you in advance for reading and replying. 


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