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Elliot Mendoza
  • Homeowner
  • El Paso, TX
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50% Rule on a quadplex with 20% down.

Elliot Mendoza
  • Homeowner
  • El Paso, TX
Posted Feb 10 2013, 04:01

So I've been reading the boards for a while, I am currently deployed and I refined an excel spreadsheet I had worked up before I left the states.

As of right now these are the numbers I'm looking at, and I -THINK- I have the 50% rule and 2% rent thumb rules down for the most part.

So here's my analysis:
Asking Price: Brand new quad(built dec 2012) 330k
20% down = 66k
4% interest loan, 30yrs: 1,260.38
Taxes: 583 monthly
Insurance (Allstate gave me the best quote): 72 monthly
PM: Century 21 - 1/2 months rent to fill vacancy + 10% monthly
All 4 units rent at 825: Gross rent monthly: 3,300
All closing costs payed for by builder.

So those are the base numbers, now based off the 50% Rule:
19,800 Yearly NOI
14,717 Yearly Debt Serivce (Princicple & Interest payments)
5,083 Yearly income left over, about $105 per door monthly.

Actual rent is only 1% at current rental value's (3.3k monthly)

So do I do my COC based off the 50% rule income? Then it would be 7.7% COC return per year.

So are my calculations correct? And to -me- this seems like a good deal as such. Any input would be appreciated. I have this all worked out on an excel spreadsheet and will continue polishing it up as need be to make it near dummy proof for myself.

Thanks in advance :)

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