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James DuBois
  • Columbus, OH
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Kris Krohn - Is This Mentor Full of it or Legit?

James DuBois
  • Columbus, OH

Is Kris Krohn  legit or another guru just scamming people out of their money, giving them false hope? Haven't found many reviews. 

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Daniel Martinez does the mentor your thinking about does she  have a YouTube video

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Justin Marchegiani
  • Investor
  • Austin, TX
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Justin Marchegiani
  • Investor
  • Austin, TX

They charge 50% of net profit they pick the deals you put up all the money.

They setup the llc in their name, make you a partner and keep half of the depreciation. 

They promise 10% cash flow for your half, so total deal is 20% cash flow.

Personally I feel uneasy not owning the llc. and only getting half the depreciation while I put up all the money doesn’t seem like a good deal.

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Ian Walsh
  • Lender
  • Philadelphia, PA
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Ian Walsh
  • Lender
  • Philadelphia, PA

Most mentors aren't giving false information.  Some of the information is better than others, but it's usually some form of correct.  It all comes down to the student taking correct action day in and day out.  A mentor does not make do.

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Frank Geiger
  • Rental Property Investor
  • North Carolina
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Frank Geiger
  • Rental Property Investor
  • North Carolina

Please do not drop 20k to work with gurus. There are plenty of Mentors that will lead you in the right direction if you just find a way to add value to their business.

You can get a solid rental, all the books on BP, and afford a few minor mistakes with 20k.

Real Mentors know the value of your capital and won't strip that much money from you because they would rather see you succeed.

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Steven Abrams
  • Wholesaler
  • Agoura Hills, CA
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Steven Abrams
  • Wholesaler
  • Agoura Hills, CA

I think most gurus make money by selling courses, not real estate investing.  Kris Krohn got into some legal issues in 2012 with the SEC, but if you read the actual complaint, the SEC makes it appear as though Kris Krohn is unethical, and their real estate deals were not profitable.  At least that was my interpretation after reading a few pages of the complaint but attorneys tend to throw everything at these things hoping something will stick.   Apparently, they settled the case and offered investors their money back.  

SEC Filing:

If you click the link at the bottom of the summary page it will give full details about the complaint. 

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Gerald Peters
  • Investor
  • Huntsville, TX
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Gerald Peters
  • Investor
  • Huntsville, TX

I pay for lots guru information.  I’ve never paid more than few hundred dollars. I think $200 is limit. 

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Dan Kistler
  • Peru, IN
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Dan Kistler
  • Peru, IN

That fact that your asking the question should also provide your answer. "mentors" in the business of mentoring for fees are seldom if ever worth what they charge as your gut instincts are telling you......

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Hello, my friend and I are only 19 years old and we want to get into real estate and we had went to Kris' website and we got a phone call interview set up with supposedly him.  Well it wasn't him and we were willing to talk to his assistant about everything. The assistant, Jaden, made it seem like our phone call was going to be us asking questions about real estate and him giving us pointers about everything with how to get newly started with starting in real estate. But it was a interview for a mentor ship. He started to ask us about our financials and when he had asked us are we willing to invest money he made it seem like he wanted to do it at a later date. But when I said i was saving up for something else he basically said that he was done talking to me and he only wanted to talk to my friend. Which isn't appropriate, and that was 10 minutes into our conversation, my friend proceeded to have another 30 minute conversation with him. When Jaden started asking for money to set up a class, my friend wasn't comfortable giving his information over the phone and when my friend asked to do it online Jaden was being really pushy and rude towards my friend saying this is now or never, and when my friend still didn't want to do it over the phone Jaden dismissed my friend by saying "You dont think Kris is legit and this 40 minute conversation has been a waste of my time" and then hung up and that was it. So just beware of what youre gtetting into if you are setting up a phone call with Kris' company. 

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whatever you want to say about Kris I am going to be honest his lease options are not for newcomers. You will need 20k some solid credit and patience to get anywhere with them. But if you can get 100K and partner with Kris you will be a millionaire in 3 years and soon earn 250k a month passively. I know people that went from 0 to 100k a month in a year but they didn’t sit around crying on BP threads. Kris can change your life but only if you change it first and that means getting your *** off the couch and getting some deals.

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Dan D.
  • Investor
  • Shakopee, MN
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Dan D.
  • Investor
  • Shakopee, MN

Here's my free 2-step guru lesson.

Step 1: Go buy a house.

Step 2: Rent it out

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Originally posted by @James Mc claren:

whatever you want to say about Kris I am going to be honest his lease options are not for newcomers. You will need 20k some solid credit and patience to get anywhere with them. But if you can get 100K and partner with Kris you will be a millionaire in 3 years and soon earn 250k a month passively. I know people that went from 0 to 100k a month in a year but they didn’t sit around crying on BP threads. Kris can change your life but only if you change it first and that means getting your *** off the couch and getting some deals.

 How long have you been working with Kris and how much money have you made with him thus far?

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Andrew Varney
Pro Member
  • Huntington, WV
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Andrew Varney
Pro Member
  • Huntington, WV

He may be perfectly fine, but I stopped watching him on Youtube a while ago. I felt like his guidance was missing some important info. He had a video talking about analyzing a rental property, but I think he only included Rent - PITI and called it cashflow, so he was talking about how a few properties could completely replace your income with passive income. However, he didn't include repairs, property management, CapEx, PMI, misc., etc., so the $3-400 'cashflow' would probably be closer to $0 or a loss on the property they were analyzing.

I put my questions asking for clarification on the operational costs in the comments, but never got a response. Neither he nor his team had any responsibility to respond, but they were responding to all the other comments giving love to the video before and after me. Also, I may be mistaken, but I think the video was removed shortly afterwards - I may have just not been able to find it again.

There is enough free education out there, that I didn't see a need to keep reading/watching him if I had ???s about his numbers and model.

Just my humble $0.02 with his free content, not his Guru-ship.

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We are partners and have been highly disappointed.  We would highly NOT recommend this investment route. We know many who feel the same.  

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Originally posted by @Steve Darakjian

 How long have you been working with Kris and how much money have you made with him thus far?

I highly disagree with the above statement as a partner. 

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Kris Krohn is legit, I can honestly say I was very skeptical when I first started finding interest in him and his programs. I attended his Unleash Your Financial Destiny and am now part of their Maverick program and Kris has already started to change my life through his breakthrough strategies and wealth building. I highly recommend investing your time into the values and beliefs Kris has. After over 4000 deals he has never lost money for any of his partners. I am on my way to making MILLIONS.

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A lot of people have a misconception on mentors some of whom may not even be mentors themselves. Surround yourself with people who are more successful than you. They will know people who are more successful than themselves. Make sure they like you in the right way. They are more likely to help you and teach you if you treat them like a normal human being and not follow them round like a sheep just cos they got a lotta money. For instance I’m only 15 however my real estate journey is starting with my dads friend who is big in the business. However he is worth close roc £100,000,000 plus and my dad is worth barely anything but he likes Hinckley and respects him for who he is and that’s why he wants to help him And me. It is massively different in the Uks market as years ago there was a big market boom where house started went Up by £100,000s of pound  sand the henchmen the economy crash happened and now money is made throughout rentals and lease deals Anschluss house flips. Once you buy that first property you need no one but yourself and determination if it means you miss 3 hours or 4 hours of sleep to analyse the market do it . Find areas that are upcoming  like cheap areas to live that are surrounded by highly developed communities and look at what houses sell for and what they rent for . Find houses that need work done because You can get them for a lot cheaper. 

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Seth Farley
Pro Member
  • Rental Property Investor
  • Davenport IA - Dubuque IA
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Seth Farley
Pro Member
  • Rental Property Investor
  • Davenport IA - Dubuque IA

@Alena Ericksen what exactly happened when you invested with him?

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Roni E.
Pro Member
  • Specialist
  • Earth 2.0
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Roni E.
Pro Member
  • Specialist
  • Earth 2.0

Knowlege is great but there is so much info. out there to pay someone so much I always cringe at. Digest the immense free info. out there and jump and in do a small deal by yourself, it will be a great teaching experience. 

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@Seth Farley Feel free to call me.  Shoot me a message and I can give you my number. 

@Sabrina Dace, be sure to separate the breakthroughs he teaches verses the real estate.  We as partners have lost money and had to pull out, so be careful with big claims of making millions and money hasn't been lost with partners. I would look for proof, not just stories because anyone can say anything.  It is always critical to do your due diligence when investing and especially if you give people your money to invest. 

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Russ B.
  • Investor
  • Cleveland, OH
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Russ B.
  • Investor
  • Cleveland, OH

This would probably be my reply to every one of these guru threads..

Most of them likely do give legit info, but if your goal is to invest, remember that the 40k or so that they usually charge would do really nicely as your first down payment.

If seeking out the right information on your own seems too hard.. dealing with the issues that come up in investment properties is much harder.

If these guys were making real money by partnering with their graduates (as many claim to do), then why create such a high barrier to entry with those huge upfront fees? Wouldn't they prefer that you go invest that money, so they can instead share in the kind of insane profits their stories describe?

I'm not against paying for education.. I spent way more than that on engineering school, and would do it again in an instant. But, that was only enough to get me to the level of "beginner". I had to actually work for a few years before I started to be any good at it.

Real estate is the same way. There's a certain amount you need to know to get started, to have a decent shot at success (which you can get from a few books, from BP, etc). After that, there's really no other way to learn, than to get out there and do it.

I'm sure a real mentorship (which I'm not convinced you can actually buy) would be a nice comfortable way to get started.. but honestly, the type of person who needs this sort of handholding, might not do well owning a business...

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I can’t hold out any longer without sharing my feelings on working for Kris Krohn and his limitless money pit brand.

In the beginning I will admit that I gained a lot from watching Kris Krohn’s content on YouTube. I was about to make my second realestate deal and watching Kris’s content free on YouTube may have given me the confidence to move forward on a deal at the time. Over the next few months, end of 2017, I begged to work for Kris. He seemed like the guy to be in business with from watching all of his videos. Kris was just in the process of building out a new sales group for his Limitless brand and I wanted to be involved. Finally in mid 2018 I was offered a 1099 position on his sales team. After my day job I would make calls and close deals for Kris’s online classes and seminars held in Provo, Utah.

I began to question the value in the offerings which I was selling. What was Kris doing to make these classes worth hundreds to thousands Of dollars and access to him worth upwards of 10K -100K or more? I justified the high prices in my mind because Kris seemed to really care about people and it seemed there was so much abundance in his offering that profits would follow no matter the size of the investment made.

I learned over time that what Kris really does is sucker people into giving him as much money as he can squeeze from them. The 100% money back guarantees are a joke aswell. I don’t know of anyone personally who put the effort into getting the money back guarantee because it’s designed to be an almost impossible process. If his client finally pays enough to qualify to do a deal with him, the investor must pay all of the money for the deal, have all of the credit, and take 100% of the risk to then forfeit over to Kris Krohn 50% of their investment and gains. His Tony Robbins inspired seminars are really just a platform for people to get emotionally charged into giving him even more money. Kris has scamming down to a science. I promise that with a bit of research online you can make an investment without Kris on your own way more profitably than you can with him. You can’t give up 50% of the deal and take on 100% of the risk and consider yourself a real investor. Kris says he plans to donate all of his money to charities but I’ve seen him turn on people and rip people off to the point that I can’t believe him there either.

My opinion, go to Tony Robbins or your choice of speaker If you are looking for a high energy motivational seminar. Use bigger pockets and other free online content to educate yourself but don’t give Kris a dime of your hard earned money just because he pretends to care about you. I put an honest effort into his system and he heartlessly screwed me over too. Please take my word for it and avoid getting entangled into his network of half truths, lies, and greedy ambitions.

Account Closed
  • Atlanta, GA
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Account Closed
  • Atlanta, GA

@Tyler Robinson

Thanks for sharing your experience. Aside from partnering and giving him your money to invest, do you find value in his lease option program? I’ve read it’s somewhere around $1K and includes all of the contracts and information needed to scale accordingly. I do like the rent to own model he speaks of in which the tenant assumes responsibility for the maintenance

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Kris’s lease option program is probably the biggest scam he offers. I’d bet over 99% of people who learn about it in his system fail at it and It costs $1000 or more to get started. Look up seller financing agreement and combine in with a purchase option agreement.  Do each of those agreements with the buyers and sellers and you’ve got a “lease option” That’s all Kris’s program teaches. Many states have laws against it and you run the liability and risk of pissing buyers and sellers off as the middle man. You have to do lots of damage control in that buisness and be a strong negotiator. There is no special magic sauce to what he is doing. Also, Kris likes taking 50% profits from his “investing partners” he hasn’t really made much of his money really doing seller financing deals from what I gather. Lease option in my opinion is just a gimmick to get your money and get you to his events. If you spend even a bit of money to get his book shipped out to you, your likely to continue opening up your wallet again and again until Kris owns half your net worth! It’s Luda-kris! See what I did there? 😂 Just trying to help y’all out

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@Account Closed

Kris’s lease option program is probably the biggest scam he offers. I’d bet over 99% of people who learn about it in his system fail at it and It costs $1000 or more to get started. Look up seller financing agreement and combine it with a purchase option agreement. Do each of those agreements with the buyers and sellers and you’ve got a “ sandwich lease option” That’s all Kris’s program teaches. Many states have laws against it and you run the liability and risk of pissing buyers and sellers off as the middle man. You have to do lots of damage control in that buisness and be a strong negotiator. There is no special magic sauce to what he is doing. Also, Kris likes taking 50% profits from his “investing partners” he hasn’t really made much of his money really doing seller financing deals from what I gather. Lease option in my opinion is just a gimmick to get your money and get you to his events. If you spend even a bit of money to get his book shipped out to you, your likely to continue opening up your wallet again and again until Kris owns half your net worth! It’s Luda-kris! See what I did there? 😂 Just trying to help y’all out!

Account Closed
  • Atlanta, GA
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Account Closed
  • Atlanta, GA

@Tyler Robinson

Appreciate the feedback. It’s interesting, haven’t found many investors on BP that have done deals with him or purchased the lease option program....reading back on this thread there appears to be one person and her experience didn’t sound positive