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Updated almost 17 years ago, 02/18/2008
Is this a cult?
Seriously, since joining this community and reading these forums for the last 2-3 days, I don't believe I've seen a group of more enthusiastic, motivational, inspirational group of people in my life!! The only thing I can compare it to is some crazy religious cult (I'm not religious so please don't take offense) You people are downright evangelical about real estate! It's amazing. I've certainly felt like a different person since coming here.
One thing I've noticed since I started here is that I haven't been watching any tv at night when I come home from work. I come home and I'm on the computer researching and coming up with ideas for my business plan. I'm kind of realizing how things like tv, video games, entertainment, etc, are just huge distractions to keep people from taking action to change their lives.