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Jon K.
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Rent a Home Depot DIY carpet steamer or get Stanley/commercial service?

Jon K.
Posted Sep 15 2013, 03:39

I've realized that my carpet is way behind the Woolite carpet stain remover stage. But, I'm also not going to replace the carpet right now. I tried vinegar/baking soda, dollar store cleaners, and Woolite (worked, but would need way too many bottles for the house to make this cost effective).

Do those $50 Home Depot carpet steam cleaners work well?

Do they work better than Bissel home steam cleaners?

Do they compare to Stainley Steamer/commercial companies?

I've got pet pee, water leak stains, and misc. crap on the carpet. I've used Stanley before and had success in removing similar stains, but the house is huge and Stanely gets expensive with my large square footage. The deals I've seen don't cover anywhere near the square footage I've got. And it's beige carpet throughout. Like I noted, replacing the carpet is not an option right now.

Is there really a noticeable difference between Stanley Steamer, Bissell home steam cleaners, and $50 rent a steamer (SteamDoc?)

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