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Updated about 10 years ago, 11/01/2014
Where to start as a newbie investor.
Hey guys, thanks for all the warm greetings on this site. I've read MANY books on REI, attended a ton of meetups, seminars, bought a ton of materials hitch over promised and under delivered. Spent a ridiculous amount of money on programs and today I have yet to close 1 deal, know how to affectively view a good deal, etc. I've heard from a ton of gurus where they feel newbies should start in investing. Now I want to hear from people who are ACTIVELY investing on a day to day basis. Where is the BEST place for a newbie to start investing (what strategy is best), especially for one with very low capital and is looking to build capital for future projects? Is it essential to get a RE license to invest? Please feel free to add any thing worthwhile that can help myself or other newbies succeed in this business. Many newbies get easily discouraged and give up. As for me I'm a person who faces all odds regardless of how hard things seem to be. All advice will be put to practice and anyone willing to assist me on a one on one basis will be greatly appreciated. I can be a great asset to anyone whose already succeeded causing a win-win situation.