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Erick Garske
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Marketing an single family home in Edina

Erick Garske
Posted Apr 12 2024, 11:17

I recently inherited a home in Edina, MN. Built-in 1955, the home is among the few remaining homes in the neighborhood that have not been replaced with newer homes. After assessing the cost of remodeling, and either renting or selling the property weighed against the advantages of selling as is to a builder it seems to make more sense to sell it as is. 

I don't see an advantage to retaining a realtor to sell the home for full commission. I would prefer to use a listing service to place on the MLS. Better still would be to sell directly to a builder. I am not interested in working with a wholesaler and signing an assignment contract.

The home is located in the 6000 block of Zenith Avenue South in Edina.  

I am interested in connecting directly with investors who specialize in teardowns and rebuilds.

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